Infectious Diseases: Run Away!!!
Pathogens:Pathogens: o Are the many types of organisms that can cause disease. o There are 4 major human pathogens: bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protists (which are tiny, very simple, unicellular or multicellular organisms). o Are the many types of organisms that can cause disease. o There are 4 major human pathogens: bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protists (which are tiny, very simple, unicellular or multicellular organisms).
Infectious Diseases: Some facts An infectious disease is a disease that can be passed from one organism to another. Pasteurization: is a heating process that kills microorganisms and is often used in the food preparation business. For example, dairy products are usually pasteurized to kill bacteria.
How Diseases are Spread (Gross!) o1.) Person to Person: through Indirect (non- physical) Contact, like sneezing or coughing, pathogens such as influenza (flu), colds, and pneumonia are passed from one person to another. oPathogens like influenza and colds can also be passed through Direct (physical) Contact like shaking hands or kissing.
Indirect Contact
Indirect Contact (cont.)
Direct Contact
Spreading Disease (continued): 2.) Contaminated Objects: things like food, water, or surfaces may harbor pathogens like colds, influenza, staph bacteria, and tetanus. (That’s why washing your hands is so important. You never know where other’s hands have been). 3.) Animal Bites: pathogens can be spread through bites. Diseases caused by animal bites include Lyme Disease (ticks), Rabies (bat or raccoon bites), and Malaria and West Nile Virus (mosquitoes).
Diseases contracted from Contaminated Objects (food, water).
Animal Bites
Spreading Disease (continued): 4.) Pathogens in the Environment: some pathogens occur naturally in the environment. For example, the bacteria that causes Tetanus lives in soil and water. The bacteria that cause Anthrax and Botulism are caused by bacteria that live in the soil. 4.) Pathogens in the Environment: some pathogens occur naturally in the environment. For example, the bacteria that causes Tetanus lives in soil and water. The bacteria that cause Anthrax and Botulism are caused by bacteria that live in the soil.