Jeyarasan Kasun Amal Iromi Bala Louiqa
2 Semantic Search Engine for Financial Documents FIBO and taxonomy of certificates of deposit. Ranking Classification Markup of financial contracts using the FIBO. Reasoning about CDs and recommendation.
3 Formal Collaboration to Define Financial Industry Business Ontology Non Profit industry association founded to facilitate enterprise- wide control over data content. Activities include standards, identification, semantics, data quality. Members include 80 major financial institutions worldwide (BOA, Barclays, Citigroup, Deutsche, Fannie Mae, Federal Reserve Bank NY, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, RBC, RBS, UBS, Wells Fargo, etc… Object Management Group is an international, open membership, not-for-profit computer industry consortium that focuses on standards development work. Members include over 500 organizations worldwide including government agencies, small and large IT users, vendors and research institutions Financial Industry Business Ontology FIBO
4 Ontology Subset of FIBO for Certificate of Deposit (Fixed term fixed interest deposit)
5 Fixed Deposit investments in Sri Lanka The relevant institutions for fixed Deposits are Banks and Finance companies. Number of Finance Companies = 39. Number of Banks = 22. We have a total of 61 organizations with an average of 5? instruments per organization.
6 Taxonomy (Criteria) for Fixed Deposits Extracted from Financial Disclosure statements Interest: Monthly/Quarterly/ Biannually/At maturity. Bonus interest rate for senior citizens. Automatic renewal if no notice received. Company reserves right to revise interest rate (tied to the market rate). Company reserves right to repay deposits prematurely with interest up to the time of repayment. Infrequent? Depositor can withdraw deposits prematurely. Facility to obtain a loan against the fixed deposit.
7 Karsha Ranking Classification Markup of financial contracts using the FIBO.
8 Semantic Search Engine /Classification/Markup Lucene is an open source full text index and search engine. Ranking: Index and query can be tuned using terms from the FIBO. Classification (demo) Markup of financial contracts using the FIBO Extract phrases from documents. Associate with FIBO terms. Web based application.
9 Reasoning and recommendation Investor profile Long term saving; monthly income generation; … Early withdrawal; loans against deposit; … Company profile Market conditions (interest rate fluctuation; …) Knowledge base (construct manually) Recommendations Investors Promotions from institutions New business models (peer-to-peer; retirement savings; …
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