What is EQAO? OSSLT? EQAO - Education Quality & Accountability Office You have written EQAO tests in grades 3, 6, 9 (MATH) and 10 (OSSLT) This test evaluates literacy skills that are taught in grades 7, 8 and 9
Ensuring Student Success Writing the test in Grade 10 allows time for remediation before graduation. YOU CAN TRY AGAIN IF YOU NEED TO To ensure student success “specialty clinics” will be held during February and March to assist those who need a little more practice. More specifically, selected students will be asked to attend 8 remedial sessions
Additional Information to Ensure Success Grade 9 and 10 teachers have participated in Literacy Strategies in all curriculum areas throughout semester 1. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Practice tests can be found on the EQAO website:
Thursday March 27th, 2014 Arrive at school not later than 8:05 a.m. Put EVERYTHING in your locker Be standing outside your test room at 8:10 a.m. ***** DON’T BE LATE *****
BE ON TIME If student is less than 30 min. late Write book 1 in time remaining Will receive no instructions from teacher If student is more than 30 min. late May not enter test room until break Only write booklet 2
WHAT TO BRING... You may bring…. Blue/black pen Pencil Eraser Highlighter Your watch A novel to read if you finish early Water bottle You may NOT bring…. Coloured pens Liquid paper Electronic devices Dictionaries Backpacks Coats
What Types of Questions Can I Expect on the OSSLT? Reading Writing Informational Text - i.e., paragraph, news report Graphical Text Narrative Text - i.e., dialogue, real-life narrative VIA… Short answer/open response multiple choice Writing - Long writing prompts news report, series of paragraphs, expressing an opinion. Two Short writing Tasks - (6 lines each) Multiple Choice - Language conventions, supporting statements
READING – 3 SKILLS are measured 1.Understanding explicitly stated information and ideas 2.Understanding implicitly stated information and ideas (making inferences) 3.Making connections between information and ideas in a reading selection and personal knowledge and experience
Reading Skills - How Measured 1.Read and respond to questions related to understanding an information paragraph 2.Read and respond to questions related to understanding of a news report 3.Read and respond to questions related to understanding of a dialogue 4.Read and respond to questions related to understanding of a real-life narrative 5.Read and respond to questions related to understanding of a graphic text Reading skills account for ~53% of total literacy score
WRITING - 3 writing SKILLS 1.Developing a main idea with sufficient supporting details 2.Organizing information and ideas in a coherent manner 3.Using conventions (spelling, grammar, and punctuation) in a clear manner
Writing Skills - How measured? 1.Multiple Choice Questions response to questions related to structuring content, organizing ideas and using convention (10% of literacy score) 2.Two Short Writing Tasks responses to prompts (12% of literacy score) 3.Two Long Writing Tasks write a series of paragraphs expressing an opinion (12 % of literacy score) write a news report (12 % of literacy score)
Sample Writing Instructions: The News Report: Task: write a news report based on the headline and picture on the next page. You will have to make up the facts and information, answering some or all of the questions: Who?What?Where?When Why? How? You must relate your newspaper report to both the headline and the picture. Purpose & audience: to report on an event for the readers of a newspaper. Length: the lined space provided for your written work indicates the approximate length of the writing expected. Sample Headline: School receives computers as a reward Sample Picture: students gathered around a computer Writing a series of Paragraphs: Task: Write a minimum of three paragraphs expressing an opinion on the topic below. Develop your main idea with supporting details (proof, facts, examples, etc) Purpose & Audience: an adult who is interested in your opinion. Length: the lined space provided for our written work indicates the approximate length of the writing expected. Sample topic: Is it important for teenagers to pay attention to world news?
General Tips Write/print clearly Re-read instructions on inside cover of test booklets Follow all instructions Fill the space given (no more, no less) Check your work Manage your time
GOOD LUCK You will get your results back in June Any questions? Contact Jeff Carey, Vice Principal at Nelson