York St John University Staff Survey Highlights 2010 David Evans Research Consultant October 2010
Introduction – Participation – Employee engagement measures – Areas for improvement – Areas of strength – Other key issues – Employer of Choice – Staff comments
Response rate 2010 All staff 60% (51% in 2008) [HEI average 56%]
Response rate by staff group
Compared to 2008: 187 comparable questions 21 issues showed a statistically significant improved score 18 issues showed a statistically significant deterioration in score Comparisons with 2008
Biggest improvements: Staff attending the Staff Open Forums who find these helpful/informative - 88% in 2010 (69% in 2008) Staff attending the Staff Open Forums - 37% in 2010 (19% in 2008) Staff satisfied with the physical accommodation provided for teaching students - 74% in 2010 (61% in 2008) Staff having an individual appraisal/performance development review in the last 12 months - 81% in 2010 (68% in 2008) Staff having a clean work space - 86% in 2010 (75% in 2008) Staff who are aware of the Staff Open Forums held in the University - 95% in 2010 (87% in 2008) Staff saying the University Senior Management Team are focused on meeting the needs of students/service users - 73% in 2010 (65% in 2008) Comparisons with 2008
Deteriorations: Staff feeling their job security at the University is good - 68% in 2010 (83% in 2008) Staff experiencing discrimination who have reported this - 11% in 2010 (25% in 2008) Staff experiencing harassment and bullying who have reported this - 20% in 2010 (32% in 2008) Staff saying the process of change causes me concern and worry - 32% in 2010 (21% in 2008) Staff feeling there are opportunities for career progression in the University - 32% in 2010 (42% in 2008) Staff saying they have seen some positive changes in the last 12 months - 74% in 2010 (83% in 2008) Staff saying, in their opinion, recent changes have been well communicated - 55% in 2010 (64% in 2008) Comparisons with 2008
Employee Engagement
Key Drivers of Employee Engagement Having opportunities to feed views upwards Feeling well informed about what is happening in the organisation Believing their manager is committed to the organisation CIPD Working Life: Employee Attitudes and Engagement
Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result) QuestionYork St John University agree % HEI Norm agree % My immediate manager helps me find a good balance between my work and home life 75%73% The University is a good place to work94%90% My motivation at work is generally high88%86% My satisfaction at work is generally high83%77% I feel part of the University79%73% I feel the University delivers good quality service to students/other customers 92%88% I understand what the values of the University are87%78% The values of the University are moving in a direction I support79%73% I feel proud to work for the University88%89% The University Senior Management Team manage and lead the University well (excluding 'Don't know') 82%69%
Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result) QuestionYork St John University agree % HEI Norm agree % Would you recommend the University to a friend as a place to work? 81%75% I am satisfied with my current role and level of responsibility72% My line manager/supervisor/team leader keeps me informed about things I should know about 72%71% I feel fairly paid for the work I do65%63% I feel safe and secure in my working environment97%92% Do you know how to report accidents and incidents?79%69% I am satisfied with the support I get from my immediate manager76%78% On the whole, communication in the University is effective65%63% I am satisfied with my current level of learning and development70%69%
Employee Engagement (Low Score is a good result) QuestionYork St John University agree % HEI Norm agree % Overall I feel unduly stressed at work25%29% Are you currently being harassed or bullied at work?3%5% Have you felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months? 7%11% I often think about leaving the University33%37% More could be done to help staff prepare for and cope with change 65%75%
Key to Scores – Median values (York St John University 2008 score) [HEI benchmark group] Benchmarking
Top Issues: Workload & Bureaucracy 63% (59%) [64%] felt they had to put in a lot of extra time in last year to meet their workload demands 53% (53%) [56%] feel that too many approvals are needed for routine decisions 49% (51%) [47%] feel they are required to do unimportant tasks which prevent them from completing more important ones 25% (27% 2008) feel unduly stressed at work [29%]: – Caused by work demands, workload, insufficient staff – 37% (39% in 2008) reported it
Top Issues: Staff Retention & Career Progression 55% (59%) [56%] do not feel the University is doing a good job of retaining its most talented people 68% (58%) [56%] do not feel that there are opportunities for career progression for them in the University 33% (38%) [37%] often think about leaving the University – e.g. they want to leave to develop their careers at another education institution or they are unhappy in their job
52% (55% in 2008) [43%] feel that the current pace of change is about right; 14% think it is too fast and 14% too slow 36% (37%) [49%] feel that change within the University is not managed well 39% (38%) [42%] feel that change within their Faculty/Department is not managed well 65% (64%) [74%] feel that more could be done to help staff prepare for and cope with change Top Issues: Managing Change
Top Issues: Communication 35% said on the whole, communication in the University is not effective (38% in 2008) [37%] 49% said communication between senior management and staff is not effective (51% in 2008) [52%] 59% said on the whole, the different parts of the University do not communicate effectively with each other (65%) [65%]
Occupation groupAreas for improvement Academic Workload & bureaucracy, retaining talented staff, communication, managing change Administrative/professional/ technical staff Career progression, pay, managing change, communications, workload & bureaucracy Ancillary staff Career progression, intention to leave HE, managing change, communications, workload, staff involvement Areas for improvement by staff group
Staff Perceptions 2010 Job satisfactionImmediate managers Pay & benefits Working together Clarity of roles & responsibilityQuality of service Treating people equallyFeeling valued Areas of Strength
96% (94%) [89%] say, generally, they enjoy their work 90% (90%) [86%] are satisfied with the support they get from their work colleagues 89% (92%) [90%] said they can decide on how to go about doing their work BUT 33% do not feel their job security is good (16%) [26%] Job satisfaction
86% feel, overall, the University offers a good pay and benefits package (83%) [83%] Nearly all respondents said the University offers good pension schemes, sick pay, holiday and maternity entitlement BUT 35% (41%) [36%] do not feel fairly paid for the work they do Pay & benefits
Immediate managers 90% (91%) [90%] is approachable 88% (91%) [89%] is supportive in a personal crisis 87% (85%) ensures they have the skills they need to be able to do their job well 86% [86%] respects and values them BUT 38% (42%) [42%] does not deal with poor performance effectively 36% (37%) [38%] does not motivate them to give their best
Quality and Values 96% (96%) know a lot or a little about the University’s core values 92% (89%)[87%] feel the University delivers good quality service to students/other customers 94% (93%) [90%] feel their Faculty/ Department delivers good quality service to students/other customers
Other key results
3% (6%) [5%] of respondents said they are currently being harassed or bullied at work – 90% (95%) said this was by a colleague or manager – Main forms were excessive criticism or being singled out for unfair treatment – 20% had reported this (32%) – Main reasons for not reporting: nothing would happen, possible victimisation, concerns about being labelled a troublemaker Harassment & Bullying
7% (9%) [11%] of respondents felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months – 82% said person responsible was more senior and 29% at the same level as them – Discrimination because of level in organisation (36%) (31%), gender (32%) (29%) and age (29%) (45%) – 11% reported (25%) – Not reported because of concerns about being labelled a troublemaker or possible victimisation Discrimination
79% (83%)[73%] feel a part of the University 88% [89%] feel proud to work for the University 81% (81%) would recommend the University as a place to work “The University is a good place to work” 94% said it is (94%) [89%] Employer of choice
Friendship/camaraderie of team/colleagues There is a happy/friendly /stress free working atmosphere/environment Working time flexibility/home working is good Good holiday provision Good location Comments about good things working for York St John
Improve communication overall Improve/introduce catering facilities/better food Improve communication between colleagues/team members/departments Improve condition/size of working environment Increase involvement in/communication about important issues Comments on improvements needed
Questions and discussion