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In the early 1300’s a movement began in Italy. The Renaissance or “Rebirth” It was a philosophical and artistic movement. Renewed interest in Greek and Roman Lit. and life.
The remains of the Roman Empires was all around Italy. Crusades brought Italy in contact with: Byzantine Civ. Scholars Italians learned of Arab and African Achievements in Science and medicine. This lead to a new search for knowledge.
Italian scholars started to study Greek and Roman : Literature, history, poetry, and rhetoric. Humanist believe that it was important to know how things worked. They stressed education A person should lead a meaningful life People should become active in arts and practical affairs.
Francesco Petrarch( ) He was a scholar and teacher His sonnet to Laura are considered some of the greatest love poems ever. He stresses that writers need to study Roman and Greek writers (Classical Education). Knowledge of classical education became a mark of an education person. He to believe that a person should lead a active life.
Niccolo Machiavelli( ) A Florentine diplomat and historian. Most famous work was the Prince. The main theme of this short book is that all means may be resorted to for the establishment and preservation of authority -- the end justifies the means -- and that the worst and most treacherous acts of the ruler are justified by the wickedness and treachery of the governed. Described how government should work. Rulers should only be concerned with power and political success. Was considered humanist because he studied the Romans.
Medieval painting stressed everyday life. Renaissance artist: Created realistic scenes and images. Life-life human figures Backgrounds were of the Italian countryside. Used perspective -- gave figures depth.
Leonardo da Vinci ( ) He was a architect, engineer, painter, and scientist. He studied in anatomy to help draw more realistic human figures. Painted the Last Supper and the Mona Lisa.
( ) A brilliant painter Painted the Sistine Chapel Sculpted DAVID Helped design the St. Peter’s Basilica.
Popular Florentine artist Helped to paint the Vatican. Most known for his Madonna