What is High Energy Physics?  High Energy Physics is the study of the most basic particles and forces of nature  We explore the smallest scales and the.


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Presentation transcript:

What is High Energy Physics?  High Energy Physics is the study of the most basic particles and forces of nature  We explore the smallest scales and the highest energies  We want to know what really makes the Universe tick  Also known as HEP or as particle physics

The Standard Model  The Standard Model represents our best knowledge of everything.  Includes all known particles and forces.  except gravity  By comparing experimental results with predictions from the Standard Model, we test our understanding of the universe  The Standard Model has worked remarkably well for more than 20 years

Forces  Strong nuclear force (QCD)  Electroweak  electromagnetism  weak force  Gravity

What are the Big Questions to be Answered? What is the origin of mass? Can all of the forces be unified? How do neutrinos oscillate? Why do we see more matter than anti-matter? What is out there that we have never observed? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Fermilab  Tevatron  Currently, the world's premier accelerator facility  Proton-Anti-Proton collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.9 trillion electron-volts  Two collider experiments  D0 and CDF  Other physics  neutrino physics, CP-violation, astrophysics and more  Located outside of Chicago  Scientists from all around the world come to Fermilab to do high energy physics

The D0 Experiment  Started taking data Spring, 2001  Already 4x larger than previous data sets  Will take data until 2009  Upgrade in 2005  Built around the collision point to detect particles flying out in all directions

Calorimeter FSU has a major responsibility for the D  calorimeter l Uranium-Liquid Argon sampling calorimeter Measure energy of hadrons and electrons

Latest results from  pp Collisions at DØ Detector in Collision Hall January 2001

D0 Data Taking 24 hours/day 7 days/week for the next 5+ years currently recording a few million events/day

Physics of D0  Higgs Boson  Supersymmetry  Single Top  Top Quark Properties  Electroweak Physics  QCD - Quantum ChromoDynamics.  Other new particle searches  Leptoquarks, extra dimensions, technicolor, etc.

Recent Publications  “Search for Doubly-charged Higgs Boson Production in the Decay H ++ H --   +  +  -  - with the D  Detector at  s=1.96 TeV”, V. M. Abazov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett 93, (2004).  “Observation and Properties of the X(3872) Decaying to J/  +  - in ppbar Collisions at  s=1.96 TeV”, V. M. Abazov et al, submitted to PRL  “Search for Supersymmetry with Gauge-Mediated Breaking in Diphoton Events at D  ”, V. M. Abazov et al, submitted to PRL.  “Measurement of Dijet Azimuthal Decorrelations at Central Rapidities in ppbar Collisions at  s=1.96 TeV”, V. M. Abazov et al, submitted to PRL.  “Measurement of the B s 0 Lifetime in the Exclusive Decay Channel B s 0  J/   ”, V.M. Abazov et al, submitted to PRL.

~700 scientists, students and engineers 82 institutions 20 countries  130 Ph.D. Dissertations  150 papers published The DØ Collaboration

FSU Experimental HEP Faculty Todd Adams Susan Blessing S Sharon Hagopian Vasken Hagopian Harrison Prosper Horst Wahl Yuri Gershstein

FSU experimental HEP graduate students Jun Miao Sinjini Sengupta Suharyo Sumowidagdo José Lazoflores Daekwang Kau Dan Duggan

FSU HEP postdocs Norm Buchanan Bill Lee

Examples of FSU graduates  Jeff McDonald (DØ, PhD 1999)  Dissertation: study of single top production  Now at FSU (Research Scientist), was at U. of Pittsburgh  Dan Karmgard (DØ, PhD 1999)  Dissertation: search for leptoquarks  Now at U. Notre Dame (CMS)  Richard Cavanaugh (Aleph, PhD 1999)  Dissertation: measurement of W mass  U. Florida (working on CMS, Grid), was at U. of Heidelberg  Brian Connolly (DØ, PhD 2002)  Dissertation: measurement of top quark mass in hadronic decay  Now at Columbia University (HiRes – cosmic rays)

What do we do?  Hardware  Design, develop, test, and build electronics and detectors  Data-taking (shifts)  Software  Code writing and analysis algorithm development  Data analysis  discovery, measurements, tests  Presentations at meetings, seminars and conferences  Journal publications

What will you do?  First 2 years  Finish coursework  Spend summers at Fermilab learning the experiment  Next several years  Hardware project - calorimeter  Data taking  Programming (C++, Linux, scripting)  Data analysis on your thesis topic  Final year  Presentation and publication of thesis work  Thesis defense  You will spend significant time at Fermilab

Possible Thesis Topics Search for/Discover the Higgs Boson Search for new particles such as Supersymmetry, Technicolor, Leptoquarks, Cold Dark Matter, Extra Dimensions etc. Top Quark Physics QCD Studies including measuring the contents of the proton W mass measurements

FSU People at D0