Independent Rep Survey Results William Sever
Review results of survey conducting with the extended Independent Rep team Gain clarity regarding your thoughts on the issues – Make sure we are addressing the right issue Look at a few common objections we have heard that were not on the survey – Discuss other objections for follow-up Plan to discuss action steps in Tuesday’s session Meeting Segment Objective
Q1 – Product Knowledge
Q2 Identify Critical Objection/Stall
Lack of GPO/IDN Agreements Lack of VA Agreements Critical Objection/Stall
Distributors issues – Customer not knowing how to order: Direct? Through Distributor? – Going through a distributor that is not contracted with facility slows down the process – SKU issues – Stocking orders Critical Objection/Stall
Reluctance to change – Allegiance to current vendor – Indifferent about product/product differences (all the same to them) – Too much work to change suppliers- what’s the gain? Critical Objection/Stall
Value Analysis or New Product Committee – How do we get them on our side? Critical Objection/Stall
Cost – Product is more than current products being used – How do we convince them the incremental product cost is justified? – How do we get Materials Management on our side? Critical Objection/Stall
Reusable – Some customers think reusables are just fine Critical Objection/Stall
No time for a face-to-face meeting Education Concept of Acute Sale Other Objections Listed
We are on contract with KC We do not have space for the Tower Can I just use the frame over and over again? – Avoid the expense of assembled eyewear? If I purchase your eyewear, I cannot afford to purchase the wall mount holders Other Objections We’ve Heard
Materials Management is not interested in purchasing additional disposable eyewear since we already purchase a private label separate lens and frame system I am currently buying a face mask with a face shield. If I buy your eyewear I still have to buy a face mask – my costs will go way up Other objections? Other Objections We’ve Heard
Q3 Things TIDI Can Do Better
Contracts – GPO, IDN, VA More Leads More Conventions Drop Price Top Things TIDI Can Do Better
Q4 Best Department to Target
Infection Control and OR top the list Also, – Employee / Occupational Health – Emergency – Labor & Delivery Target Departments
Q5 Most Helpful TIDI Efforts
Inside Sales Literature/Research/Studies/White Papers Sample Policy Convention Attendance Top TIDI Efforts
TIDI will review today’s input and discuss action steps tomorrow Thank you! Next Steps