Artifact 19 A Fire Drill Map and Report This artifact was developed during my practicum experience at Peace River Elementary School Summer My role in producing this project was as a member of the leadership team. I was responsible for gathering data from teachers at an assigned evacuation point. positive feedback was received from teachers and administrator. This project addresses the following Florida Educational Leadership Standards: Standard 3: Managing the Learning EnvironmentThe principal manages the organization, operations, facilities and resources in ways that maximize the use of resources in an instructional organization and promotes a safe, efficient, legal, and effective learning environment. Reflection: I learned a great deal from this experience. It is important to make sure each teacher is equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to protect his/her students. Practice drills such as this allow administrators to assist teachers who may need help.
307 Sofilka (1) 211 Nappi (3) Covered Play Area Reading Adventure Room Main Office Vida (3 ESE) Skills Lab Peace River Elementary Fire Evacuation Routes Stokley (1) Konrardy McElroy Shamus Cafeteria 207 Santagata (3) 304 Susko (1 ESE) 201 Machnik (2) 203 Copy Room 205 Hock (2) 108 YMCA Charlotte Harbor School / /401 Staff Lounge 109 YMCA 111 YMCA 103/101 Hink (3) Dempsey (2) Martin (1) 208 Hrstka (2 ESE) 206 Williams (2) MediaCenter Herman Buckingham (2) Johnson (2) 410 Drexler (1) Manomat (2) 310 Lentine (1) 312 Umbras (1) 311 King STEM Staff/ Visitor Parking Hancock Ave. Bus drop off/ Bus pick up Parent Drop off Parent pick up This map shows the Peace River Modular Campus. This Is looking at the new campus From Hancock Ave. Recess Area Area Two Shamus Drexler, Herman, Hink, Johnson, King, Lentine, Manomat, Martin, Stokley, Sofilka, Susko, Umbras Area One McElroy Buckingham, Dempsey, Hock, Hrstka, Machnik, Nappi, Santagata, Williams, YMCA, Vida, Please bring RED Emergency Response Cards and class roll