DET Portal User Management Tools …that you can use! Stu Hasic – March 2007
ISP Console (not via Portal) To sign on, you MUST use your school’s username and password and select the IS-MAIL domain
ISP Console Search for Students, Teachers or Non- Teachers Filter and sort your search results Produce plain text or PDF reports of your search This will only show the original password
Output from ISP Console This is the export report that EduWeb and the Logons Wizard now use to ensure the DET User ID is generated and used This data is generated from enrolment data stored in OASIS. Although it is refreshed every night, there was a problem at the start of 2007 for the first five weeks where data was not up to date If a student in OASIS does not have the Internet Permission flag set to YES, they will not appear in the ISP Console Report
User Tools in DET Portal Most C.C.s would know about the “Account Administration” option to manage staff and student Internet accounts EMU is a new tool available for bulk management of student passwords and also to produce usage reports AMU is a new tool for authorising staff to use systems like OASIS Thin Client, EMU, SBSR and AMU itself The AMU tool is by default ONLY provided to the Principal, but it can be delegated to others such as the CC and the School Admin Manager
Educational Mgmt Utility If you have a link to EMU on your DET Portal, you can open the Education Management Utility User Management offers bulk password resetting based on groups of students The Reports section lets you see which students have not been using the Internet
User Management (Students) Only your school will be shown here You can search by Roll Class or Year Group You can also work with just one student if you wish
EMU Search Results The selected grouping will be displayed and can be sorted by any of the column headers shown You can select just one student and reset their password You can select Export to save the screen contents to Excel or a CSV file You can see which students have had their Internet Account locked, but you can’t change the setting here You can perform a bulk password change for all or part of the grouping listed here
Bulk Password Reset When you click Reset Bulk Pwd on the previous screen, this screen is displayed You can now select any or all students in the group list by ticking the appropriate boxes You can type in the password you’d like all selected students to have in this box Then just click the Submit button
EMU Reports When you click Reports, this screen is displayed Again, you can search by Roll Class or Year Group The Report options are explained above
Last Log In Report This column identifies the last date and time each student logged on either to the Student Portal or to use the Internet This column is only relevant to schools like the campuses of Sydney Secondary College, where the students logon to DET’s EDU domain, rather than their own local domain Students listed as NEVER LOGGED ON or not logged on since last year may be having a problem, such as a forgotten username or password SO HOW DO YOU GET ACCESS TO EMU IF IT’S NOT ON YOUR PORTAL??
Access Management Utility (AMU) To start with, each Principal only gets access to AMU for their own school This is used to manage who is allowed to authorise what system This is used to manage who is allowed to use OASIS Thin Client This is used to manage who is allowed to use the EMU tool
EMU Authorisers These tick boxes are used to specify which staff can have access to USE the EMU system via their DET Portal. This adds an EMU link to each selected person’s portal This list of staff shows ONLY permanent staff based at your school – NOT casual staff and not staff based at other schools Access can be granted and revoked using this webpage It is recommended that only select staff are given access to EMU. As discussed, an audit trail is maintained for EMU password changes
OASIS Authorisations These tick boxes are used to specify which staff can have access to USE OASIS Thin Client via their DET Portal This list of staff shows ONLY permanent staff based at your school – NOT casual staff and not staff based at other schools If there are other staff at your school such as long-term casuals that need to access OASIS, a helpdesk call should be logged Access to use OASIS Admin, Library and Library Enquiry (or for small schools, Adlib) can be set independently Access can be granted and revoked using this webpage OASIS Security Permissions are NOT set here. They are part of the OASIS Operators function within OASIS itself
AMU Authorisers This list of staff shows ONLY permanent staff based at your school – NOT casual staff and not staff based at other schools Placing a tick in any of these boxes will create a link to AMU on that person’s portal. This list is for identifying which staff are allowed to AUTHORISE others for the use of these systems It is strongly recommended that only selected staff are set as AUTHORISERS Eg. The SAM might be OASIS Authoriser and the CC might be EMU & SBSR Authoriser