Welcome To The RED TEAM!
Summer is Over!
TEAM Responsible students Enthusiastic about learning Determined to succeed
ORIENTATION AGENDA Introductions Transition Issues Red Team Goals Supply List (handout provided) Red Team Parent Conferences Red Team Schedule Parent/Teacher Communication Red Team Incentive Programs “D” Day Procedures Handbook Highlights Special Red Team Events Alumni Tips
Who teaches the Red Team? Mrs. Vicky Bolger Subject: Math
Who teaches the Red Team? Mrs. Betty Jo Hayes Mrs. Carole Droluk Subject: All Learning Support
Who teaches the Red Team? Miss Katie Fetterman Ms. Mary McGlincy Subject: Read 180 & All Learning Support
Who teaches the Red Team? Ms. Kara Helzner Subject: English
Who teaches the Red Team? Mr. Tony Haley Subject: Science
Who teaches the Red Team? Mr. Rob McCready Subject: History
Who teaches the Red Team? Mrs. Gen Billet Subject: Reading
Who is the 7th grade counselor? Mrs. Stephanie Berardelli Guidance Counselor
WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A 7th GRADER? More independence. More responsibility. More homework, projects, tests, etc. More student-teacher communication.
RED TEAM CORE GOALS Students will learn to work collaboratively with their peers and respect the ideas of others.
RED TEAM CORE GOALS Students will learn to become more responsible for their education and take an active approach to learning.
RED TEAM CORE GOALS We encourage students to consistently put forth their best effort in all classes.
GENERAL SUPPLY LIST 3 – Ring notebook with dividers Loose leaf paper Pencils (we encourage lead pencils), pens, and erasers Appropriate free reading material (At all times, in all classes!) Set of colored pencils/markers Highlighters Textbook covers Clear sheet protectors Assignment book (supplied by Arcola) Gym clothes/sneakers Flashdrive for team subjects
Donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, and cleaning wipes are greatly appreciated .
SUBJECT SPECIFIC SUPPLY LIST MATH Bound notebook Pocket folder Pencils ENGLISH Index Cards Post it Notes Wide ruled notebook READING packs of post-it notes Bookmark Wide ruled notebook
RED TEAM SCHEDULE Periods 1: Core Class Periods 2, 3, 4: Core Class or Health/Phys. Ed. Lunch: 11:27 – 11:57 Period 5: Core Class Period 6: Core Class Period 7: Expressive Arts Period 8: Homeroom/Music/Clubs
PARENT COMMUNICATION The Red Team counselor is Mrs. Berardelli. Team is available for parent conferences during period 7 (1:35 – 2:15) Parents are reminded to check the Parent Portal often. The most efficient method of communication with Red team teachers is email.
INCENTIVE PROGRAMS Honor Roll Distinguished Meritorious Highest Average Most Improved Student Caring Coupon Team Red student of the marking period.
“D” DAY PROCEDURES “D” Day is dedicated to Team Directed Activities & One Book/One School. A special schedule which allows built-in flex time during the day is dedicated to the above activities.
HANDBOOK HIGHLIGHTS Dress Code Attendance Policies Student Passes Student Sign-Out Hallway Behavior Gum Chewing Cheating/Plagiarism Usage of Electronics
SPECIAL TEAM EVENTS Field Trips Philadelphia Zoo Christmas Carol Activity Day-Mermaid Lake Team Days that involve various subject areas and team building activities
PARENT VOLUNTEERS Clearances for the district must be obtained to attend field trips or volunteer in the school http://www.methacton.org/page/279
ALUMNI TIPS Make friends and get a good reputation. Participate in class! Study more than you normally do, because you’ll need it! Remember to follow directions on all tests and projects! Be organized because your work will be checked.
ALUMNI TIPS The harder you try, the more respect you get from the teachers. Always have your pass. Be nice to substitutes. Keep or find a sense of humor- you’ll need it! Shoving papers into your binder is a REALLY BAD idea.
ALUMNI TIPS Keep all of your old papers- you will have finals! In 6th grade you might not have studied, but this year you have to! DO ALL OF YOUR WORK . . . YOU’LL BE FINE! Don’t eat candy without asking. Do not plagiarize- you will get a 0! Keep a positive attitude!
ALUMNI TIPS Remember… fingertip length shorts. To survive on the Red Team is to study. Only go to your locker when you’re allowed to. Ask Mr. McCready about the ice cream sandwich story. Remember to do all of your reading and complete your post-it notes!
ALUMNI TIPS Always turn in your assignments on time. Bring a lot of pencils! Put your name on your papers! Pay attention in class. Be nice and respectful to all of your teachers. Keep your hands to yourself. Don’t procrastinate because you will have more projects this year.
ALUMNI TIPS Make sure whether or not you need your textbooks for the day. Seventh grade is what you make it. Pacing yourself with long term projects is key. 7th grade was a fun year but is VERY different from Skyview. You will get more freedom (at Arcola), but you will have to earn it. It never hurts to ask questions. Always do your homework and remember to make corrections on your homework so that you can study from it. Get on the good side of all of your teachers.
WE LOOK FORWARD TO A FANTASTIC SCHOOL YEAR! THANK YOU! WE LOOK FORWARD TO A FANTASTIC SCHOOL YEAR! Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education.” Martin Luther King Jr.