DOCUMENT #:GSC15-CL-04 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:CCSA AGENDA ITEM:Closing Plenary, 2.3 GTSC-8 Summary Report Duo Liu GTSC-8 Chair Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15
Meeting Overview Up to 52 attendees 16 input documents GTSC-7(ITU) meeting report is noted Three High Interest Subjects, with revisions of respective Resolutions NGN – General (ETSI) (GSC-15/10) Cybersecurity (ATIS) ) (GSC-15/11) Home Networking (ITU) (GSC-15/12) 2
3 NGN (ETSI) Presentations GSC15-GTSC8-02, -03, -04, -05, -12, -15 Summary ATIS provided an overview of their multi-faceted NGN activities, and stressed the need for interoperability and service/network convergence, with specific attention to policy architecture. CCSA described their progress in further developing the NGN, and enlarging its scope, including further convergence towards unified and ubiquitous networks. ETSI reviewed the activities of the ATTM and TISPAN committees, describing completion of the current Release work, and moving towards a focus on the NGN as network for emerging applications and traffic sources. ITU highlighted the testing initiatives ongoing and planned for both NGN and IPTV, and their focus on “the beyond of NGN”, including Future Networks, Ubiquitous Networking, and the Internet of Things. TTC described their new work area for NGN interoperability, and development of conformance and interoperability testing documents. TTC offered to share experiences and invited technical interaction with other SDOs. The CJK Testbed Ad-hoc Group (CCSA, TTA, TTC) presented an overview of their test environment. Inquiries on the testbed and on availability of tools are welcome. Resolution It is proposed that the existing Resolution GSC14/10 regarding the NGN will be extended with revisions, and provided to the Plenary as GSC-15-RES-10 Under “Resolves” 2) “to promote globally consistent standards... ” - add: utilization of the NGN for emerging applications and traffic sources including: machine-to-machine, Internet of Things, smart grid, intelligent transport systems; and address the need for providing additional services via the NGN, including IPTV (IMS-based and non- IMS) and, Content Distribution Networks (CDN), Cloud and Service-Oriented Networks.
Cybersecurity (ATIS) Presentations Contributions GSC15-GTSC8-06, -07, -10, -11 and -14(-10, -11 and -14 contained proposed updates to the existing Resolution) Summary Cybersecurity continues to be one of the top priorities in the GSC members. Cloud Computing presents an added level of risk to data integrity, privacy and availability. However, it also offers additional opportunities in these areas as well. Countries/regions are developing and sharing best practices to address the cybersecurity challenges. This could be especially helpful to developing countries. The Cybex framework being developed in ITU-T SG 17 provides a model for o structuring information o identifying and discovering objects o requesting and responding with information o exchanging information over networks o assured cybersecurity information exchanges The specifications are especially relevant to Computer Incident Response Teams (CIRTS), law enforcement and others that must exchange incident or related forensic information Effective cooperation and collaboration across the many organizations, including standards bodies, doing Cybersecurity work is essential. Resolution Proposed revisions to Resolution GSC-14/11 on Cybersecurity. 4
5 Presentations Contributions GSC15-GTSC8-08(ETSI), -09(ITU) and -13(TTC). Summary Home Networking (HN) is becoming more important and will play a vital role in ICT applications. HN must consider many devices and various means of access transport, while at the same time provide, high performance HN solutions including PHY and DLL, reliable QoS and resource allocation, remote access mechanisms, energy monitoring and efficiency mechanisms (e.g. G.hnem), network middleware for the HN communication, and their global interoperability. The GSC is invited to recognize that consumer electronics and home networks form a global ecosystem, so that even well-designed local/national specifications are no longer sufficient to foster interoperability. In order to promote greater efficiency in this ecosystem and in the standardization effort, more efforts are required to consolidate specification frameworks and improve global interoperability. There is a huge number of SDOs and fora active for HN issues, and synergies across the HN standards bodies must be considered. The JCA-HN continues to encourage co-operation with other Home Networking bodies such as ETSI TISPAN/ATTM, HGI, BBF, DLNA, UPnP, HomeGrid Forum, UPA, IEC, NIST, IEEE and others. Resolutions The existing Resolution regarding Home Networking will be re-affirmed with minor updates and the revised resolution will be provided in GSC15-RES-12. Home Networking(ITU)
Acknowledgement Vice chairs’ support PPSO’s lead Speakers Participants