RIT Band Grouping: Stations Doni Beaupré Science Teacher Campbell County Middle School
What is “RIT band instruction?” Given a student’s (RIT) achievement score (e.g. a science RIT score of 187), teachers identify the portion of the Learning Continuum (e.g. science RIT scores between ) that represents the child’s instructional level. The skills and concepts listed at RIT ranges below that should be ones the student knows and has mastered.
Learning Target Plan how to use RIT band for individual activities Create a vocabulary review RIT based game
How can RIT scores help a teacher? Prepare for flexible groupings By grouping students with similar RIT bands, a teacher can better meet the instructional needs of each student Goal is to create maximum growth for all students… lowest and highest!
How to group? Begin by analyzing the RIT bands in each of your classes You may have 5-6 different RIT bands, but begin with 2-3 groups (start small then work up!) Divide each class into 2-3 groups (low, middle and high are great places to start)
Exercise One In your cooperative group, review the Des Cartes Binder at your table. Choose 10 essential vocabulary terms from the RIT band of As a group, discuss and agree on a definition for each term –Green game boards = Life science –Red game boards = Earth science –Blue game boards = Physical science
Exercise Two Create flashcards using the terms and definitions your group decided
Exercise Two Continued… While still in your groups, take a close look at the terms and definitions: write the term on one side and the definition on the other side Biology The study of life
Play the Game! Randomly place a card definition side up in each of the six boxes on your game board. Roll die to determine the first player- highest roll is first Player one rolls the die and reads the card out loud to the other players. Player one takes a guess as to the term that matches that definition. Player one looks at the term and if correct shows others and places card in their pile
Play the Game! If player is incorrect, the card goes back on the game board (do not show term to other players) Player 2 roles die and guesses term on that position Repeat until all cards have been played. He who has the most cards wins!
PLAY 10 minutes
Barriers to RIT band instruction TIME! Some concepts may not be directly in your program of studies or core content for that year Student buy-in, especially at the high school level
Benefits of RIT band instruction Meets students where they are! A major step in closing the gaps with missing concepts.
Other Activities…. Popsicle stick word sort Quizlet.com File Folder games Who wants to be a Millionaire Independent debate projects (upper RIT) Activities should be self check, I used the MAPs score as an indicator as to their progress
File Folder Games! Elementary strategy but applicable to upper grades… if you adapt it! Provides a focused RIT band activity Each game focuses on a particular science and RIT band Extreme individualized grouping!
Where to begin??? It takes a while to create and gather activities. This is how I began… –I began with Quizlet.com for the higher RIT bands (215 and above in 6 th grade) –I use file folder games for lower RIT bands (190 and below in 6 th grade) YEP, I replaced the simple math problems with terms and definitions –Word sort, popsicle sort, file folder games for the average RIT bands (between )
When???? Some teachers have a review Friday to catch up on the week and RIT band activities Every other Friday Once a month Once a semester ANY TIME YOU CAN!