Welcome Stephen Spencer; CEMP Director of Safety Emergency Manager Wilson County Schools
School Safety Does Not Occur Automatically Because of The Big Plan Book in the School Office Lots of Radios on the hips of important people Or, there is a Police Officer in the building with a badge and a gun
School Safety School safety is about the little things –Being attentive to your surroundings –Know your students and their families –Thinking outside the box if something occurs – It’s taking preventive measures in everything you do to be one step ahead and ready to respond –Not forgetting that you allowed Johnny to go see the school nurse or Susie to go to the restroom –It’s about keeping yourself mentally prepared to react and respond –Remaining Calm under pressure
School Safety Recommendations –Keeping your student roll book up to date and available at all times Take with you: –Cafeteria –Playground –Field Trips –During instruction time keep door closed and locked –Where ever you are in the building know where your exits are –Don’t be afraid to initiate the school emergency operations plan if you know there is danger. –Know what resources are around you that may be used in a crisis –Treat every drill as the real event
STAY CALM!! If you want to make a scary situation worse allow your students to know you are upset and worried.
Emergency Operations Plan When the plan is fully implemented –Bullet point instructions every classroom door –Evacuation Route every classroom door –Some of you may serve a role for your schools EOP EOP 101 –Each school will have a Crisis Management Team Crisis Team Leader (Typically Asst. Principal) Communications Officer Logistics Officer SRO Medical Team Floor Sweepers Access and Functional Needs Attendants Counselors
Emergency Operations Plan Fire –Notify your students that this is a fire drill –Ask them to walk not run –Pickup your roll book –Close but do not lock the classroom doors behind you –Exit the building to your assigned location –Take role of your students –Notify the Floor Sweeper for your zone that all students are accounted or who’s missing
Emergency Operations Plan Lockdown –If during class change gather those immediately around you into your classroom –Close and lock the door –Cover the door window –Close blinds to outside windows if able –Turn out the lights –Sit along the wall the door is located, make a list of students –Keep quiet –Do not open the door for any reason –If Intruder attempts to enter the room “Fight” “Flight” “Maim” –Lockdown does not terminate until an administrator with a key unlocks and enters your room and says all clear.
Emergency Operations Plan Shelter-in-Place –Come inside the building to areas well sealed from the outside –Close all windows and doors –Shutdown the HVAC –Take roll of students –Remain until the shelter-in-place order is lifted
Emergency Operations Plan Thunderstorms –30 minute rule –Must be in an enclosed building –Stay away from windows –Field Trips without buildings Get back on the school bus and wait it out
Emergency Operations Plan Tornado Warning –Know where the tornado safe locations are in your building –Ask students to remain clam and walk –Allow students to shelter on the floor with hands over their heads –Take roll and stay until the warning is lifted
Undocumented Persons Person in the building without a visitors pass or county employee badge –Notify the office and SRO –Observe the person but do not engage –Be prepared to initiate a LOCKDOWN if necessary –Administration will check the person and take necessary steps
Emergency Operations Plan Evacuation and Reunification –Teachers will stay with their students until every student is safe in momma’
Closing Be familiar with your surroundings Keep roll book nearby Know the exits routes Know the plan and your role during emergencies Remain Calm and stay with your children