The Trinity Gender (vs. sex) Class (vs. caste) Race (vs. ethnicity) –The Bermuda Triangle
Narrative Forms Comedy: bad things working out in the end Tragedy: fatal flaw Irony: unexpected outcome –Not the Alanis Morissette song Teleology: Hegel—thesis, antithesis, synthesis ultimate outcome guided by “Spirit” Material determination: Marx –Base and superstructure
Overall Interpretations Germ theory: “germs” of American society come from Europe (esp. England and Germany) Frederick Jackson Turner: frontier thesis American exceptionalism Richard White: middle ground / borderlands Progressives: class conflict; Charles Beard Consensus: ideological commonality; Richard Hofstadter (New) Social History: demographics, non-elite Post-CRM: Black history, Feminism, neo- Marxism, microhistory
Colonial Declension model Perry Miller: New England mind, jeremiads as proof of continuity Edmund Morgan: slavery democracy Jack Greene and J.R. Pole: developmental framework: simplification elaboration replication –Anglicization Atlantic World: comparative method linking N+S America, Europe, Africa –Ira Berlin, “From Creoles to Africans”
Revolution Bernard Bailyn, Gordon Wood: Classical Republicanism, ideology Gary Nash: old-style Progressive class conflict w/ Zinn focus on lower orders (pre- elite rebellion against authority)
Antebellum Charles Sellers: The Market Revolution (neo-Marxist analysis industrialization and impact society) Arthur Schlesinger, The Age of Jackson (neo-progressive: class and ideological conflict; reading FDR into AJ) Paul Johnson, A Shopkeeper’s Millennium (reform as middle class control)
Slavery and Reconstruction Plantation School (Washington, U.B. Phillips) vs. Stanley Elkins (infantilizing concentration camps) vs. Eugene Genovese: Roll, Jordan, Roll: The World the Slaves Made “Birth of a Nation” vs. W.E.B. DuBois and Eric Foner
Points of Conflict Industrialization: Robber Barons or Captains of Industry? Populists and Progressives: Reformers or Conservatives? Great Depression: Free market critics of government (Milton Friedman) vs. Critics of capitalism (J.M. Keynes) 1950s: Conformity or Rebellion? 1960s: Success or failure of social movements