Myth Busters
DISCUSSION What are some negative things that you’ve heard about high school? What are some things that you are worried about?
MYTH BUSTERS!!! Q: Is high school really as bad as my 8th grade teachers made it sound? A: “High school is way better. You have more freedom. Be smart with it and don’t slack off because everything does count.” Morgan Cargill, Junior. “It’s not the same as middle school, it’s actually necessary to take notes and pay attention in class. If you get behind, teachers are almost always willing to help you out.” Lea Connally, Junior. “It’s not as scary as everybody says, but it's not even close to middle school. You’ll have a lot of homework, so don’t blow off assignments!” Kelsey Wickersham, Junior. “Watch what you do and say around people. Word travels twice as fast and most of the time teachers will find out too.” Bre Saucier, Senior. “Forget the middle school drama, high school is a whole different world and you've got bigger things to worry about, like grades.” Alex Wilkins, Junior.
MYTH BUSTERS!!! (continued…) Q: Do I have time to get to each class in 6 minutes? A: “Hallways are always super crowded. It makes it really hard to find your classes the first week. Six minutes seems like a really short time, but it’s more than enough time to get to where you need to be.” Lauren Smith, Junior. “Walk fast and don’t stand in the middle of the hallway. It’s a really good way to get injured and yelled at.” Danielle Moses, Senior. “Stay out of the way and keep a good walking pace.” Gina Escamilla, Senior. “Lockers don't really help you at all, so if you can, don't use them.” Jessica Stauber, Sophomore.
MYTH BUSTERS!!! (continued…) Q: Are grades really that important my freshman year? A: “Really focus on your grades, even though it’s 9th grade. They go on your high school transcripts and could impact your future.” Brianna Peters, Senior. “Grades are reallly important. If you take care of your grades everything will be so much easier.” Micah Eargle, Junior. “Start thinking about your future, what you want to do in college, what college you want to go to, and what the requirements are. Even if you want to go into a certain trade, learn as much as possible in every class, and use that knowledge in your work.” Calli Caperton, Senior. “Learn not to stress about a bad grade or progress report. Find out what you can do to improve your grades by the time report cards roll around. Also, DON’T skip classes! You’ll fall way too far behind and will have to make up a lot of hours.” Brandy Johnson, Senior.
MYTH BUSTERS!!! (continued…) Q: Do upperclassmen really pick on the freshmen? A: “Don't expect to be thrown into trashcans/lockers. Upperclassmen don't do that.” Jillian Shaw, Sophomore. “Don’t be obnoxious; upperclassmen won’t pick on you unless you give them reason to. Don’t act like you need to be better than seniors. And don’t use the ‘you were a freshman once too’ reason to defend yourself. If you're nice, you'll make more friends regardless of age or class.” Gina Escamilla, Senior. “Pep rallies are a lot of fun. The freshmen always get booed no matter what.” Lauren Smith, Junior. “The upperclassmen don't just go around pushing you into lockers and calling you a fishy. They don't even notice you exist or that you're even a freshman.” Kelsey Wickersham, Junior.