Faculty Senate Meeting January 21, 2010
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call N. Book, Secretary II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report M. Schulz B. Administrative Report J.Carney/B.Schwartz C. Staff Council Report W. Jadwin D. Student CouncilP. Voss E. Council of Grad. StudentsR. Akella IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
President's Report Salary raises: survey showed a roughly 50 – 50 split between pro and con salary raises Polarized reaction to proposal to combine raise with furlough. Approx 60% very supportive, but 40 % strongly opposed. Other ideas: eliminate employee contributions to retirement fund instead of raise. Give raise only up to a certain maximum salary
President's Report UM system requested input on Conflict of Interest Policy (document linked to agenda). Originated from President of OSU objecting to Primate research and cutting off major funding. Funding agencies are also tightening guidelines. UM system requested input on Intellectual Property Rights (document linked to agenda). UM is pushing forward with new revenue stream from patents.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report M. Schulz B. Administrative Report J.Carney/B.Schwartz C. Staff Council Report W. Jadwin D. Student CouncilP. Voss E. Council of Grad. StudentsR. Akella IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Administrative Report J. Carney III Governor’s State of the State address last night Career Fair, February 9, 11:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. N As of last Friday 107 employers (28% decrease from SP 09) N The Fall 2010 career fair will be held on Tuesday, September 21st. Student Design Center Indoor Practice Facility Innovation Park Capital Campaign - $198.7 million as of December 31 N Miner Pride Weekend, April 23
Faculty Senate Report Warren K. Wray Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs January 21, 2010
Curriculum »MS in Explosives Engineering will be reviewed by Board of Curators at January meeting. Tactical Plan Action – “convene a task force to imagine future technological practices and recommend new degree and certificate programs” »Internal and external groups convened »First working meeting of internal group January 6 »Expect report by end of month Office of Academic Affairs
New Campus Awards Program »26 faculty identified for excellence, achievement, teaching, research and service awards »Recognition banquet scheduled for February 1 »Review opportunities for process improvement with committee chairs and DCC Other Awards »Work ongoing on system-level awards »Work ongoing on other various external award nominations
Global Learning Missouri S&T’s distance degree programs continue to experience solid growth as indicated by the charts below which show over 100 course sections and over 2000 student credit hours for FS The recent addition of MS degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering gives S&T a total of 13 degree programs available on-line.
Global Learning
Established weekly Grad Chat hours on Facebook and Wimba with positive response from students mstgrad Facebook page is fully populated and we are gaining a significant group of followers Hosted 4 webinars in December 2009 for admitted and prospective students Office of Graduate Studies
Windows 7 Roadmap »Being prepared for campus deployment in Summer 2010 »Allows full utilization of hardware »Also integrates with configuration management tools »Will be patched by Microsoft Information Technology
Research Support »Focused technical support to researchers and research centers on campus »Meeting with researchers during Spring 2010 semester to develop menu of services Google Apps pilot coming Spring 2010 »Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, Google Sites, and more Automated Faculty Web Pages coming in March Information Technology
International Affairs November 18 - Missouri S&T faculty, students and staff celebrated International Education Week with a series of special events. Global Showcase was held at noon in the Havener Atrium. More than 30 exhibits featuring cultural artifacts from campus international students and domestic students who have participated in Study Abroad opportunities. Students from organizations such as Engineers Without Borders were part of this great event. December 3 - A delegation led by Dr. Ruihe Wang, Vice President, China University of Petroleum (CUP), visited the Missouri S&T campus to sign agreements that would 1) allow for faculty, research, and student exchange between the two universities, and 2) promote a 2+2 transfer of CUP students who successfully complete their first 2 years of study at CUP to transfer to S&T to complete their BS degree program in Geology/Geophysics.
International Affairs As of January 4 - International student check-in numbers showed our highest number of new students for a Winter/Spring Semester Orientation as compared to the previous five years. * Actual number of checked-in students through January 8 th is 71. Check-In Count Comparison Winter Semesters Sem- Year Orientation Date Check-Ins Before Orientation Day Check-Ins (at end of orientation day) Check-Ins (as of 70 days after orientation day)Status WS200501/03/ Final WS200601/03/ Final WS200701/02/ Final WS200801/07/ Final WS200901/05/ Final WS201001/04/ *n/aIn Progress
Office of Sponsored Programs FY10 activities through December and a year-over-year comparison are as follows: »Proposals awarded in total dollars: $28.8M (down 0.9%) »Number of proposals awarded and amendments: 175 (down 13.7%) »Proposals submitted in total dollars: $93.3M (up 19.2%) »Number of proposals submitted: 275 (down 0.4%) »Research expenditures: $22.3M (up 20.7%) »F&A recovered: $3.8M (up 12.5%) »Number of active awards: 600 (even)
Technology Transfer Performance
CERTI NEWS Teaching and Learning Technology Conference 2010 – March Missouri S&T’s Third Annual Teaching and Learning Technology Conference, sponsored by EdTech, will be held March 11-12, 2010 (St. Pat’s week). CERTI will be assisting with the event. This year’s theme is “Cyberlearning” – using technology to enhance the learning process for students. The Keynote Speaker is Dr. Joel Hartman, Vice Provost for Information Technologies and Resources at the University of Central Florida. Dr. Hartman has been instrumental in leading the University of Central Florida in the arena of online and blended learning.Dr. Joel HartmanUniversity of Central Florida Visit edtech.mst.edu to register.edtech.mst.edu Wimba Classroom Tools -- a Technology Faculty Learning Community event -- was held Dec. 4, hosted by Ed Tech and CERTI. Twenty-seven participants saw a demonstration of how to use Wimba tools in their classrooms for both synchronous and asynchronous teaching/learning. Matt Insall, of the Math Department, and Audra Merfeld-Langston, of the Arts, Language & Philosophy Department, were presenters. GREENING INITIATIVE NEWS Greening Initiative -- S.T.A.R.S. (Sustainability Tracking and Rating System) and are completing our greenhouse gas emissions report. Office of Undergraduate Studies January 2010
South Central RPDC NEWS Distinction in Performance Banquet –March 23, of our regional K-12 school districts will receive the “Distinction in Performance” award at our annual banquet on March 23, 2010, at the Havener Center. An additional 8 non-regional schools that South Central RPDC works with will also receive the award. This award is based upon high or improved performance on the district’s annual performance report. In addition to assessing their student performance on the Missouri Assessment Program (MAP), performance in the areas of attendance, graduation rate, college entrance exam scores, vocational and advance course placement, and progress toward meeting the requirements of No Child Left Behind are also considered. Three of the schools that will be receiving this award are on Accountability Plans due to concerns on past reviews through the Missouri School Improvement Program. As a part of the statewide system of support, South Central RPDC works intensely with schools on Accountability Plans to improve their performance. South Central RPDC to host Two Day Conference--South Central RPDC will be one of four sites statewide to host a two day conference, “Response to Intervention: A System Overview”, on February 22 and 23, 2010, at the Havener Center. This conference is a joint effort among the Missouri RPDCs, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the North Central Regional Resource Center, the National RtI Center, the Mid- Continent Comprehensive Center, and the Midwest Equity Assistance Center. The conference will feature presentations and resources from the National RtI Center and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. In addition, school districts will share the journey in the process of implementing RtI. Response to Intervention is a research-based academic intervention model that ensures that all children learn what we expect. Office of Undergraduate Studies January 2010
Positive things going on at South Central RPDC -- Through December 31, 2009, services by the South Central RPDC have been delivered to 1,244 administrators, 7,174 teachers, and 947 other educators during the school year. Please note that these are duplicated counts, i.e. multiple services to the same educator are reflected each time the educator is served. Services include trainings provided at the RPDC or at the Havener Center, trainings provided in the school district, or technical support and consultation to school district personnel. Sixty two of our sixty three regional districts have been impacted by these services, as well as numerous non-regional school districts. More than 90% of the participants have indicated satisfaction with the services received. An additional staff member at South Central RPDC has received certification as a trainer for Dr. Ruby Paynes work regarding “A Framework for Understanding Poverty”. The focus of this work is on removing economic barriers to ensure an appropriate education for children from various economic backgrounds. South Central RPDC now has two certified trainers for this work, which will enhance our service to regional school districts. Office of Undergraduate Studies January 2010
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report M. Schulz B. Administrative Report J.Carney/B.Schwartz C. Staff Council Report W. Jadwin D. Student CouncilP. Voss E. Council of Grad. StudentsR. Akella IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Staff Council Salary & Compensation meeting scheduled for Thursday morning – 9:30-10:45 (Havener Center) Staff Day is scheduled for June 3 rd. We are in the initial planning stages. MS Casual Day will be in Mach or April (staff member is sponsoring) Looking into the feasibility of collecting items / money for the Haiti earthquake victims. We are working on the details.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report M. Schulz B. Administrative Report K. Wray C. Staff Council Report W. Jadwin D. Student CouncilP. Voss E. Council of Grad. StudentsR. Akella IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Student Council Report Blood Drive C February 2-5 Student Organization Recognition Committee C Four faculty members to be appointed Student Body President Elections Student Fee Structure C Presented to Board of Curators next week
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses A. President’s Report M. Schulz B. Administrative Report K. Wray C. Staff Council Report W. Jadwin D. Student CouncilP. Voss E. Council of Grad. StudentsR. Akella IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. RP&A G. Gelles B. Curricula K. Nisbett C. Public OccasionsD. Westenberg D. Budgetary AffairsB. Hale V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
RP&A Motions, Referrals, & Announcements Academic Freedom and Standards FS0910ref-1 Referral to Academic Freedom and Standards Class Size and Academic Quality The Academic Freedom and Standards Committee is requested to consult with Student Council to study the issues surrounding the relationship between class size and academic quality on the S&T campus, and to formulate and recommend to the Senate a statement of policy on same.
RP&A Resolution on Faculty Appointment vs. Election Motion from RP&A Whereas faculty members are occasionally appointed to campus or system-level committees by members of the administration, and whereas, in this capacity, said faculty members are occasionally asked for their views on matters of policy or practice affecting the faculty, the Faculty Senate wishes to remind all parties that the Senate is the statutory body authorized to speak for the faculty, and that, as such, faculty are obligated to make clear that views given without consulting the Senate are to be regarded only as their own personal views. Such faculty are further enjoined to report to the Senate whenever they feel they are being asked to provide input representative of the faculty, or that their input may be so regarded, in order that such input can be appropriately ascertained and provided.
RP&A Standing Committee Reports RP&A chair will contact the faculty senate standing committee chairs requesting the chairs prepare, for each RP&A meeting, a report on the committee’s activities.
RP&A Facility Planning Retirement
RP&A Budgetary Affairs RP&A requested the Budgetary Affairs committee to examine issues with respect to budget cuts in general, and, in particular, the issue of targeted vs. across the board budget cuts.
RP&A Referral to IFC Reps RP&A requests that S&T IFC representatives visit with the IFC representatives of the other three UM campuses as to the proper role of faculty representatives appointed to committees.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. RP&A G. Gelles B. Curricula K. Nisbett C. Public OccasionsD. Westenberg D. Budgetary AffairsB. Hale V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Curricula Committee Report Jan. 21, 2010 The Curricula Committee report has been distributed. It includes: »5 Degree Change (DC) form »69 Course Change (CC) forms –36 of these are deletions of old courses »15 Experimental Course (EC) forms (informational only) »Recommendation for Special Program for Sustainability Minor
Curricula Committee Report Jan. 21, 2010 Summary of DCs: DC 0340 Modifications to the BS in Environmental Engineering DC 0341 Modifications to the BA in Biological Sciences DC 0342 Modifications to the BA in Biological Sciences, Pre-Medicine Emphasis Area DC 0343 Modifications to the BA in Biological Sciences, Secondary Education Emphasis Area DC 0341 Modifications to the BS in Biological Sciences
Curricula Committee Report Jan. 21, 2010 Special Program for Sustainability Minor Proposal submitted to Faculty Senate Referred to Curricula Committee for recommendation Original proposal modified in terminology to be consistent with the by-laws for Special Programs Curricula Committee recommends approval of the proposal for the Special Program (document included in agenda) Note that at this time this is only for the composition and responsibilities of the Special Program. Once constituted, the Special Program may submit a DC for a Sustainability Minor. Any references in this proposal to the specifics of the minor are only suggested possibilities, and are subject to change by the Special Program’s DC submission.
Curricula Committee Report Jan. 21, 2010 Special Program Function Determine the requirements of the minor. Develop the list of courses that will constitute the minor. Identify the processes by which the minor will be reviewed. Identify the processes by which new courses will be added to the approved list of courses, or courses may be deleted. Submit the minor proposal for approval by the Faculty Senate, following the campus minor proposal process. Elect a Program leader, who will have the responsibilities defined in the Faculty Bylaws. Propose advising approaches for students who will be enrolled in the program. Develop other aspects of the minor, as well as procedures for administration and oversight of the minor, as needed.
Curricula Committee Report Jan. 21, 2010 Special Program Representatives Membership of the Special Program will consist of eight full-time, ranked faculty members according to the following academic disciplines: Two members from the programs that are included in the Engineering Discipline Specific Curriculum Committee (DSCC); Two members from the programs that are included in the Science DSCC; Two members from programs that are included in the Social Sciences DSCC; and Two members from programs that are included in the Arts and Humanities DSCC.
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. RP&A G. Gelles B. Curricula K. Nisbett C. Public OccasionsD. Westenberg D. Budgetary AffairsB. Hale V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Academic Calendar FALL 2010 International Student Orientation August 10, Tuesday Freshman Orientation Begins August 15, Sunday Transfer Student Orientation August 19, Thursday Open Registration Ends August 22, Sunday Fall semester opens 8:00 a.m. August 23, Monday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m. August 23, Monday Labor Day Holiday September 6, Monday HomecomingOctober 1/2, Friday/Saturday Open HouseSaturday, October 9, Saturday Mid-Semester October 16, Saturday Open HouseNovember 13, Saturday Thanksgiving vacation begins 8:00 a.m.November 21, Sunday Thanksgiving vacation ends 8:00 a.m. November 29, Monday Last Class Day December 10, Friday Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m. December 13, Monday Final Examinations end 6:00 p.m. December 17, Friday Fall Semester closes 6:00 p.m. December 17, Friday December Commencement December 18, Saturday
Academic Calendar SPRING 2011 International Student Orientation January 3, Monday Open Registration Ends January 9, Sunday Spring semester opens 8:00 a.m. January 10, Monday Classwork begins 8:00 a.m. January 10, Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Recognition Holiday January 17, Monday Open HouseFebruary 21, Monday (Presidents’ Day) Mid-Semester March 5, Saturday Spring Recess begins 8:00 a.m. March 10, Thursday Spring Recess ends 8:00 a.m. March 14, Monday Spring Break begins 8:00 a.m. March 27, Sunday Spring Break ends 8:00 a.m. April 4, Monday Open HouseApril 22, Friday (Good Friday) Last Class Day April 29, Friday Final Examinations begin 8:00 a.m. May 2, Monday Final Examinations end 6:00 p.m. May 6, Friday Spring Semester closes 6:00 p.m. May 6, Friday May Commencement – Grad Ceremony May 6, Friday May Commencement - Ugrad Ceremony May 7, Saturday
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees A. RP&A G. Gelles B. Curricula K. Nisbett C. Public OccasionsD. Westenberg D. Budgetary AffairsB. Hale V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Budgetary Affairs
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business A. By-laws VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
Old Business By-laws/ Status?
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn
New Business and Announcements Benefits Report B. Rodriguez Vice President, Human Resources
Agenda I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of November 19, 2009 meeting minutes III. Campus Reports and Responses IV. Reports of Standing and Special Committees V. Old Business VI. New Business and Announcements VII. Adjourn