NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre NSW CLIC SBSR v5 Review Questions for Secondary Schools
Before using SBSR software schools should... 1.Access AMU 2.Visit the Time to Teach Web site 3.Ensure ERN is up to date 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
ERN must be used by a school if they wish to use SBSR effectively? 1.Yes 2.No NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To check that the required information exists within ERN, schools should run a... 1.Progress Report 2.ERN update wizard 3.Student Group Listing report 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Curriculum Offer Maintenance is used to... 1.View School/DET curriculum 2.Adjust learning areas 3.Customise curriculum to meet the needs of the school 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Learning areas can be edited each semester for all KLAs in secondary schools. 1.True 2.False NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Comment starters can be attached to Learning Areas or to a particular KLA. 1.True 2.False NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Other activities groups are created within Reporting Period maintenance 2.Curriculum Offer maintenance 3.ERN\Place Management 4.Curriculum Reference data screen NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To identify ESL and Learning Adjustment students Create a new course/class and link it to a curriculum offer 2.Use manage student status screen 3.Adjust the learning areas for a group 4.Create a new roll class NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
The teacher whose name appears on the front page of the SBSR report is the Delivery teacher 2.Roll Class teacher 3.Assistant teacher 4.English KLA teacher NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To report on a particular group within SBSR software... 1.Create a new course/class in place management 2.Flag the group as a reporting group 3.Ensure students and teachers are linked to the course/class 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
If a curriculum offer does not appear in the available courses list in Place Management, then: 1.It is not a reporting group. 2.It has been set to draft 3.No teachers are attached. 4.No students have been placed in the course. NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Is it possible to link 2 teachers to the one reporting group and have them write student comments? 1.Yes 2.No NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Reporting Period Maintenance NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Within a particular reporting period, is it possible to pick and choose which KLAs report with marks? 1.Yes 2.No NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
If a change is made to a course/class in Place Management then: 1.A re import of data from ERN needs to be made to the reporting period being used 2.All changes will be imported into the reporting period automatically 3.All changes will be imported into the reporting period automatically as long as the dates set in the reporting period setup allow it. NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
If other activities have not been created in ERN then No activities will appear on student reports 2.All students will have default other activities set 3.The reporting period setup can be completed and other activities set up later 4.Information from ERN will not be imported into the reporting period NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Once data entry has begun by teachers All options within a Reporting periods can be edited 2.Dates can be changed 3.Other activities can be added 4.The student personal profile setup can be changed NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Reporting Groups Maintenance NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To allow “teacher data entry”, reporting groups must.. 1.Be linked to a teacher 2.Be flagged to “available” 3.Be checked for “Teacher” and “Course” names 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
The functions of Reporting Group Maintenance include: 1.Linking teaches to reporting group 2.Allocating students to a reporting group 3.Setting the printing options for ESL and Learning Adjustments NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Entering student results NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
SBSR software allows teacher judgement to be overwritten by... 1.the teacher 2.the teacher and reviewer 3.the teacher reviewer and approver 4.No one NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To minimise the time required for “data entry”, teachers should… 1.Use comment starters online 2.Prepare comments & use copy and paste from word 3.Use an offline spell checker 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Once data entry is complete, a teacher should … 1.Set report ready for approval 2.Approve the report for printing 3.Print the final report NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Down filling and cross filling teacher judgements is available from the … 1.Course entry screen 2.Student entry screen 3.Manage students status screen 4.Report period setup NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Completing the report NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
When reviewing large numbers of reports, it is best to.. 1.Review on screen 2.Print an RTP summary 3.Print a draft final report 4.Use grammar and spell checkers from Microsoft word NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Reviewers can approve reports by... 1.Student 2.Class 3.Year 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Where an error is found within a report, reviewers may: 1.Approve the report 2.Make the correction 3.Change the teacher data entry date to allow the teacher to make the correction NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
To be able to print the final report, each report should be: 1.Approved by the Principal 2.Flagged as “Ready to Approve” in Managed Student Status screen 3.Approved by the reviewer or approver of SBSR NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Reports available from SBSR include: 1.Progress Report 2.Report to Parent Summary 3.Peer comparison Report 4.All of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre
Reports downloaded for printing must be: 1.Saved to a computer at ITD 2.Printed individually 3.Unzipped and sent to a local printer for printing 4.None of the above NSW Curriculum and Learning Innovation Centre