Arkansas Department of Education Arkansas StudentGPS Dashboards & Arkansas Student Intervention System (ASIS) Teacher Training Arkansas Department of Education
About the Dashboards
Arkansas Stakeholder Engagement Sessions Stakeholders across the state were invited to provide feedback into the development of the Arkansas StudentGPS Dashboards ~525 stakeholders provided detailed feedback In-person workshop sessions were held at various locations across the state Northwest Wilbur D. Mills Southwest Arch Ford Jonesboro Webinars & Survey for participants unable to attend Northwest Co-op Farmington Jonesboro School District Wilbur D. Mills Co-op, Beebe Engaging with stakeholders to gather their input is a critical component in the design and development of new systems; Overview- The engagement meetings consist of holding in-person sessions and online demo and survey, all designed to capture feedback from relevant stakeholders. Meetings were targeted towards a range of end-users, including teachers, principals and district administrators, to provide differentiated feedback to guide the development process The feedback from actual users is reviewed and prioritized for incorporation Goals- The goals for the stakeholder meetings were to ensure that all participants: Understood the ADE vision Identified their own wants, needs, and requirements Felt confident that their opinions matter, were heard, and will continue to be welcome throughout the development process Arch Ford Co-op Southwest Co-op, Hope
Frequently Questions About the Dashboards
Why Should Our District Use StudentGPS? Student Demographic Information Transcript Grades & Credits Student Growth Percentile Attendance Discipline State & Local Assessments Updated Nightly We often hear from districts concerning why they should use StudentGPS and what benefit their teachers will have from using the dashboards. We understand much of the data that is currently available within StudentGPS is available in other places. However, we also heard through the stakeholder engagement sessions that educators across the state were consistent in telling us they wanted 1 system where the could go and get all the information they need. So, instead of spending time trying to locate the data from various systems, educators have everything they need in one simple location. The dashboards use the same login information as teachers already use for the Teacher Access Center, so teachers are already familiar with their logins. Also, since the dashboards are updated nightly, there’s no additional data required to be entered. It’s already available for them
Where Does the Information Come From?
How much does StudentGPS cost? There is no cost nor will there ever be a cost for the districts. We have been lucky enough to secure a significant amount of grant funding for the first two phases of development
Dashboard Basic Feature Walk-Through
Student Information Parent/Guardian Information Emergency Contacts Transportation Information Medical Alerts Academic Information Grade Level Expected Graduation Year Curriculum Plan GPA Program Status 504 Gifted/Talented Bilingual Program Other Student Information TAGG Homeless Migrant Retained A student level dashboard includes the student’s photo, parent/guardian information, program status that a student may have, as well as information concerning their curriculum plan, GPA,
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions Hover over capability to see absence detail (why it was excused/unexcused)
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Academic Dashboard Overview Attendance & Discipline State Assessments Local Assessments Grades & Credits Advanced Academics College & Career Readiness Interventions
Basic Navigation for the Various Roles within the Dashboards
Teacher Landing Page Dropdown Menu for Student Lists and Data Views Teacher Name and Picture will be displayed here The dashboards are FERPA compliant ensuring teachers only have access to view students assigned to him/her. From the homepage, teachers have the ability to view all of the students and all of the relevant data in one view. Click on the white headings once to sort the rows in an ascending order. Click again to sort in descending order. The dashboards are FERPA compliant ensuring teachers only have access to view students assigned to him/her. From the homepage, teachers have the ability to view all of the students and all of the relevant data in one view. The landing is going to vary based upon the role assignment. Teachers land on this page and have an immediate look at the students enrolled in their courses. There is the drop down option available directly under the general overview that allows them to easily navigate to their courses Scroll to Display More Metrics or Student Names Legend for Icons and Metric Explanations
Dashboard Demonstration
Demo Objectives Upon completion of this training you will be able to: Access the demo site Customize your view Change the data view Create, access, and edit dynamic lists Enter, edit, and access local assessment data Create, access, and edit watch lists Use the search function Submit a support ticket Login to the StudentGPS dashboard
Logging in to the StudentGPS Demo Site This is an anonymized data set for demonstration and training purposes. Open Internet Explorer or Firefox browser Go to Log In for Teachers: Username: ElemTeacher OR HSTeacher Password: adetraining
Customize View
How to Customize View 1. Navigate to a class homepage and click on the ‘Customize View’ button.
How to Customize View 2. Click on the ‘See More Data’ button on the left.
How to Customize View 3. Columns will populate for all available metrics. You can select (check) the box below the metric to add it or deselect the box to remove it. For this exercise, the Number of Days Absent metric has been added.
How to Customize View 4. Click the “Save Columns” button to retain this additional column in your default class view before going forward. It is essential to note that all columns/metrics can be added or removed at any time by following these steps. The metric is never permanently lost, only selected (displayed) or unselected (hidden).
Change Data View
Change Data View 1. Begin at your class homepage and click on ‘Data View’.
Change Data View 2. Scroll through the list and select the Data View you wish to view. The data for your selection will then populate.
Change Data View 3. Click on the column header to sort student results by performance (click once to switch from ascending to descending or vice versa).
Create a Dynamic List
Create a Dynamic List 1. Navigate to a class homepage and click on the ‘Customize View’ button. Dynamic List will populate a list of students based on the criteria selected. The teacher can be alerted via email when a student is added or drops off the list. Examples Attendance Interventions Grades Create A Dynamic List Dynamic List will populate a list of students based on the criteria selected. The teacher can be alerted via email when a student is added or drops off the list. Examples Attendance Interventions Grades
Create a Dynamic List 2. Click on the ‘Create Dynamic List’ button.
Create a Dynamic List 3. Select the checkboxes you want to add to your list. You can also click on the different tabs to filter and select additional information.
Create a Dynamic List 4. Now click the ‘Settings’ tab. You will see a box you can check under the ‘Filtered List Notifications’ heading. Check the box next to ‘Notify me when the list of students changes’ and you will then receive an email each time there is a change made to the dynamic list.
Create a Dynamic List 5. Now click ‘Change Name’ and enter a name for your Dynamic List. After entering a name for your list be sure to click ‘Save’.
Access a Dynamic List
Access a Dynamic List 1. Dynamic Lists are Accessible with all other Watch Lists and Student Lists (Courses and Students from All Sections). They are listed at the bottom under the Dynamic List Heading.
Access a Dynamic List 2. To access lists shared by Administrators and Teachers in your school, select “Shared List Search.” The bottom illustration will display all available lists.
Edit/Modify a Dynamic List
Edit/Modify a Dynamic List 1. To change the filters within a Dynamic List, you must first click “Customize View” while you are in a Dynamic List. To ensure that you are in the list you wish to modify, make sure the list is selected in the drop-down Student List Menu.
Edit/Modify a Dynamic List 2. Select “Show Dynamic List.” This will bring up the filter selection screen.
Edit/Modify a Dynamic List 3. You can modify the criteria for the list by selecting or unselecting filters, which will modify the results. Once you have made your desired changes, select ‘Save’.
Local Assessment Upload
Local Assessment Upload Feature Educators can enter data for the following assessments directly into the dashboards: DIBELS 6th DIBELS Next DSA DRA STAR 1. On the Teacher Landing Page, there will be two tabs. Select “Local Assessment” to upload data. Then you can select the Section of students, the date and time of the assessment, and the assessment type. You can also see previously stored assessments.
Local Assessment Upload Feature 2. Once you have selected the assessment and entered the assessment details, you will then see the template for the assessment. There are additional filters located in the upper right hand corner that will allow you to select specific students and data fields. Changes must be saved by clicking the save button located in the bottom right corner.
Local Assessment Upload Results Page The data entered utilizing this feature will be displayed down the strand level and will roll-up to the classroom and school level. The illustration below depicts the strand level presentation of the data.
Search for Information
Search for Information 1. Type a name in the Search box. The student names will populate in the list below. 2. Click on a name to see the student’s basic information and parent contact information (‘Student Information’), academic and attendance data (‘Academic Dashboard’), and course history (‘Transcript’).
Create a Watch List
Create a Watch List 1. Select the column header for Number and Operations Open Response to display students with low performance at the top. 2. Select ‘Customize View’. The Watch List feature in the StudentGPS Dashboard allows you to monitor the performance of select students and can serve as an early warning system. Popular uses include monitoring effectiveness of interventions, monitoring specific programs, and the progress of performance indicator metrics.
Create a Watch List 3. Click on the ‘Create or Add to Watch List’ button.
Create a Watch List 4. Click the box to the left to add you wish to monitor and then click ‘Add Selected Students to the Watch List’.
Create a Watch List 5. Be sure to name the Watch List and select ‘Ok’.
Create a Support Ticket
Create a Support Ticket Click in the yellow ‘Support’ button on the top right corner of the page. Then complete the ‘Submit Request’ form. If the issue is regarding a student profile be sure to include the student name, ID #, and a description of the issue, including the metric name and expected result – providing more information results in better and quicker resolution of the issue.
Logging in to the StudentGPS Site Open Internet Explorer or Firefox browser Go to Log In with your Username & Password Your ‘Username’ will be the first four digits of your LEA + first initial + last name (i.e., 4401APerry) This will be your eSchool (TAC) username and password.
StudentGPS Resources
Arkansas Student Intervention System (ASIS)
Arkansas Student Intervention System (ASIS) Enables educators to create Academic Improvement Plans and Intensive Reading Interventions for students. Educators can also generate Student Academic Reports (SAR) for students. Benefits Free for all districts Web-based (Educators can access from anywhere with internet access) Easy, convenient way to create/edit interventions for students Customizable interventions depending on student needs Print to PDF (includes signature line for parent/guardians) Integrates with StudentGPS The Arkansas Student Intervention System (ASIS) was developed from stakeholder feedback across the state. Educators requested a user-friendly, web-based program for developing Academic Improvement Plans (AIP) and Intensive Reading Interventions (IRI).
Teacher Homepage
Intensive Reading Intervention (IRI)
Intensive Reading Intervention (IRI) Educators can complete the IRI by selecting the areas already identified or they have the flexibility add services to the IRI.
Academic Improvement Plan (AIP) AIPs can be created for any student in the following areas: Literacy Mathematics Science Add any assessments directly into the AIP Track Intervention History
Student Academic Report (SAR) Educators can generate a SAR for any student at anytime throughout the year. Student Demographic Information Assessments Grades Attendance & Tardies Discipline
Interventions Tab Local Assessments and the Interventions tab will be available in StudentGPS if using ASIS.
RTI chart displays student progress and changes made to interventions. Interventions Tab RTI chart displays student progress and changes made to interventions.
Logging in to the ASIS Demo Site This is an anonymized data set for demonstration and training purposes. Open Internet Explorer or Firefox browser Go to Log In for Teachers: Username: 8008ogagnon Password: adetraining
Logging in to the ASIS Site Open Internet Explorer or Firefox browser Go to Log In with your Username & Password Your ‘Username’ will be the first four digits of your LEA + first initial + last name (i.e., 4401APerry) This will be your eSchool (TAC) username and password.
Key Considerations for the Dashboards ADE is committed to continuous improvement of the dashboards – your feedback is vital to this improvement process. Relevance of the dashboard metrics depends on the timeliness and accuracy of available data - the majority of which is from eSchoolPlus. Verifying in eSchoolPlus should always be the first step in support. Some data is not currently available - historical results will accumulate over time as implementation moves forward.
ASIS Resources