EFFECTIVE CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT By: Adrienne Hodge Arkansas State University Site 2012
4 STEPS OF DISCIPLINE Reminder Make sure remind the class of expected behavior. This is not an action made toward one student Warning This is a direct warning toward the student. It may be written or verbal. Infraction Slip Write an infraction slip for the student. This may include a detention slip or specific slip that lets the child know they have only one warning left before they are to make a trip to the office. Send to the Office At this point, the discipline is taken care of by the office.
CLASSROOM RULES Make sure all your Classroom Rules are posted in your classroom. Ensure your rules are clear. Be consistent with all your class rules and students! Make rules understandable!
THINGS TO NOT DO Raise your voice This will usually backfire on you. I have been in situations where the only way to get control of the class is to raise your voice, but as soon as you have control, your voice level should return to normal. Using Sarcasm Sarcasm can and does come across wrong in most cases. It will usually cause a situation that is already bad to get worse. Do what I say, not what I do If you do not expect your students to do something, you should not do it yourself. Example: If you do not want your students sitting on desks, do not sit on them yourself.
THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP Do not call roll. Use a seating chart while the students are doing bellringer work. Make positive partnerships with parents. Parents can be your worse enemy or best assistant. You can usually choose which they will be. Involve students in their work. If one student is giving a presentation, allow other students to evaluate it.
STRATEGIES I USE Stand quietly until the class is quiet and ready to get to work. This allows them to realize what they are doing and fix the issue themselves. Keep students busy during class. As long as they are busy, they will not be as likely to talk and fidget. Take breaks Students, especially those with ADHD, cannot sit still for long periods of time. Take some breaks to move around.
FOR “PROBLEM” STUDENTS Keep records. Work for alternative behaviors. Ask parents for help. Don’t be afraid to ask other teachers for suggestions. Your administration is always willing and able to offer assistance.
KEEP RECORDS Document all undesirable behaviors along with many desirable behaviors. If you end up having to contact a parent later, you will want this information. It is always good to give parents good information before badgering them with negative information.
ALTERNATIVE BEHAVIORS Encourage alternative behaviors. Give them time to move around if needed. Ask the student for suggestions. If you are not able to get desirable behaviors from the child, ask for suggestions from parents, other teachers, and administration. What are some suggestions you might have?
CONFRONTATION Keep it to yourself. Do not allow it to come out in front of students. Be Fair Every Time!
EXAMPLES What are some examples of situations you have? Tell what happened. Tell how you handled it. Tell if you had to involve anyone else. Tell the outcome. THIS IS YOUR TIME!
REFERENCES The Teacher’s Guide: The Education World Educators About.com tm tm