“Just can’t live that negative way… Make way for the positive day.” -Bob Marley Positive Vibration
Objective Today we will explore the new coaching model, new PLC expectations, and the ILC coaching.
The Roll of a Coach ►The previous 4 years: ►All intervention support ►Data entry ►Record completion ►Class visits ►Small groups ►Administering tests ►Scheduling ►PD sessions ►Introduction of reading support ►Parent communication ►Materials/ Inventory ►Teacher meetings Current: ELA, Reading, AND Math Intervention support PLC’s- 4/ week ILC’s- 4/cycle Intervention- 20% PD sessions- 6/yr Coaches’ Network- 1/mo. Class visits Teacher meetings
A Month in the Life of a Coach (20 working days) Coach PD and Planning: 1 day Coaches Network Meetings & Plan Time School Specific Support:4 days Data – 1 day Individual Learning Cycles:5 days Includes planning, follow-up with individual teachers in ILC, all debriefs and related support PLC Cycles:10 days Includes planning, follow-up with individual teachers in PLC, all debriefs and related support 4
There must Be a Cultural Shift in how we do business on a day to day basis.
Cultural Shift Traditional School Professional Learning Community Teacher Isolation Collaboration Generic Mission Mission Clarifies what students will learn When students don’t learn not systematic response Systematic response as to how the school responds when students don’t learn. Collaboratively Developed Assessment Infrequent Celebration Frequent Celebration as individuals and groups
Cultural Shift Continued Traditional School PLC Decisions about improvement are opinion based. Decisions are researched based with collaborative teams seeking out best practices. Emphasis is given on how teachers liked approaches. Effects on student learning as the primary basis for assessing various improvement strategies. Administrators are viewed as leaders and teachers as followers. Administrators are viewed as leaders and teachers as followers. Administrators are leaders of leaders and teachers are transformational leaders.
Learning Cycles Enhance Existing PLC structure PLCs are an important collaborative structure through which we will deepen our knowledge of and effectiveness with the new instructional rubric, as well as help build a shared understanding of Common Core PLCs foster a culture of continuous improvement, collective inquiry, and collaboration to provide a strong foundation and support for teaching and learning Collaboration and teacher leadership are two proven strategies to enhance teaching and learning PLC Cycles will provide a 6 to 9 week focus in the content area to maximize shared knowledge, resources, and skills 8
PLC Cycles at a glance 9 Focus on the Common Core State Standards transition, literacy instruction and the TEAM instructional indicators. Address key ideas taught on staff development days Intensive cohort-based learning experience designed to foster collaboration and develop teacher capacity Includes weekly PLC meetings, classroom support, and debriefs 50%
10 How will learning cycles support our students? PLC Cycles Student Learning Outcomes PLAN DOREFLECT ADJUST
The Rhythm of Learning Cycles: PLC Cycles PLC Cycle 1 Using data from last year Unit Test Discovery Ed PLC Cycle 2 Winter Break Unit Test/EOC Discovery Ed PLC Cycle 3 Spring Break Unit Test Discovery Ed PLC Cycle 4 Prepping for next year Stanford -10 TCAP/EOC AUGUSTMAY 11
Individual Learning Cycles (ILC) at a glance 12 An intensive, one-on-one coaching experience that is designed to provide targeted, differentiated support to individual teachers Addresses refinement areas identified in the TEAM rubric Includes classroom support and debriefs 25%
Roles and Responsibilities Administrator Informs teacher of referral during summative/professional conference Notifies coach after teacher referral conversation Monitors progress and participation of teacher through documenting professional communications Coach Works with teacher to develop ILC plan Provides support and feedback to teacher during plan implementation Updates principal on teacher growth Teacher Works with coach to develop ILC plan Demonstrates growth on TEAM observation rubric 25% 13
The Rhythm of Learning Cycles – Individual Learning Cycles ILC 1 Using data from last year Formal Observation ILC 2 Fall Break Formal Observation ILC 3 Winter Break Formal Observation ILC 4 Late February Formal Observation ILC 5 Spring Break Formal Observation AUGUSTAPRIL 14
Learning cycles review Occurs over a six to nine-week period Is a cohort-based learning experience Includes one-on-one classroom support and debriefs Focuses on the Common Core State Standards, literacy instruction, TAP/TEAM Occurs over a six-week period Addresses refinement areas identified in TAP/TEAM rubric Is designed to foster collaboration among teachers 15 PLC Cycle Individual Learning Cycle 50% 25% Please refer to pages 8-9 of Handbook.
Data Related Responsibilities Coaches help build teacher and administrator capacity to locate school and classroom data Coaches may start year facilitating data retrieval, but this should taper off as teachers and administrators learn to do so Coaches may coordinate TCAP/EOC testing and Discovery Education formative assessments Coaches should not complete data entry for any teacher-led interventions or other classroom assessment Coaches are valuable resources who must be utilized to drive improvement in student outcomes by supporting instruction 5% 16