September 15, :00 pm to 3:00 pm Exhibition Lounge, Corey Union TEC Meeting Minutes & Notes
Announcements TEC Membership Updates: Please check to be sure you have designated the appropriate members for your programs. Members include: The Chair or designee from each academic department housing a teacher education program. Program coordinators from teacher education programs.
NYSED Updates No word yet on ELL requirements. Indications are that it will be similar to SPE requirement (3 credit course), but that could change. Option for semester long student teaching placement. Must file application with NYSED. See handout with criteria for alternate models of student teaching.
DASA, CARR, SAVE Workshops Registration for these workshops are now on-line and follow the same process as registering for a course. Web registration is available during regular pre-registration periods: November/December for Spring classes and April/May for Fall classes and Drop/Add periods. Walk in registration is available through the Registrar’s Office. Students must be ready to pay workshop fees. Last day to register for a workshop for this semester is October 14 th. See: office/index.dot office/ Note: SAVE workshops are NOT included in HLH courses any longer.
Workshops and Student Teaching Last spring, TEC passed the resolution to have DASA, CARR and SAVE workshops serve as prerequisites for student teaching. For Spring 2015, we were not able to program these prereqs into the Banner system. Candidates without these workshops WILL be able to register for student teaching without the workshops. We will informally enforcing this requirement through Banner Reports once registration has been completed. Please let candidates in their last methods class prior to ST know of the workshop requirement.
NYSTCE Updates: edTPA Unit pass rate is around 80%. Safety net will remain in place until June 30, For candidates to take advantage of safety net, they must have ALL certification requirements completed, apply for certification and pay for certification by June 30, Candidates need to be made aware of deadlines around edTPA as well as high pass rates state-wide and impact on employment. edTPA Advisors remain in place through the academic year. edTPA Website has been recently updated:
NYSTCE Update: Other Exams Pass rates for ALST (n=300) Institutional vs. State: 69% vs. 68% (with retakes) Institutional vs. State: 52% vs. 56% (first attempt) Pass rates for EAS (n=322) Institutional vs. State: 77% vs. 78% (with retakes) Institutional vs. State: 67% vs. 64% (first attempt) Vouchers for Practice Tests Available How to distribute. New more rigorous CST’s are expected to roll out this month according to schedule posted by NYSED. Testing Center is up and running at Library.
Other Announcements Retirement Party for Dennis Farnsworth: October 2, 2014, 3-5 pm, Fireplace Lounge Announcements from the Membership David Smukler alerted the council to an upcoming presentation by Dr. Marilyn Friend, Co-Teaching: Helping All Students Succeed, will be held on the SUNY Cortland Campus on October 16, 2014 with lunch included. The workshop is open to all inservice teachers and faculty and registration is free. If interested please register by September 26 th by contacting Alexis Abramo.
Data Discussion Break into small groups. Examine Data Packets: Summary of Unit Data Summary of edTPA Data for Unit Summary of ALST and EAS Data for Unit Questions: For each assessment, what appear the strengths and weaknesses in candidate performance? What patterns in performance (strengths vs. weaknesses) are we seeing across assessments? What changes have programs initiated to better support candidates? Whole Group Discussion