CISN Outreach: Transferring Real-Time Information Products to Users A Report to the CISN Steering and Advisory Committees Sacramento, October 19, 2004 Jim Goltz Earthquake Program Governor’s Office of Emergency Services
CISN Outreach Working Group Rich Eisner, CA Office of Emergency Services Susan Garcia, USGS Menlo Park Lind Gee, UC Berkeley Seismo Lab, Co-Chair Jim Goltz, CA Office of Emergency Services, Co-Chair Vladimir Graizer, CA Geological Survey Hugo Rico, Caltech Seismo Lab Tony Shakal, CA Geological Survey Wendy Shindle, USGS Pasadena Margaret Vinci, Caltech Office of Earthquake Programs
Outreach Mission To identify, develop, promote and disseminate information about earthquake products and new technologies produced by the California Integrated Seismic Network (CISN)
Outreach Objectives Identify CISN products that have implications for public safety or increasing earthquake awareness and understanding Develop mechanisms for information and technology transfer to specific target audiences Present new real-time information and technologies in formats that can be readily assimilated by users Target critical users for CISN products and work with them to facilitate use Obtain feedback from targeted users regarding utilization and recommendations for improvement in CISN products Coordinate outreach efforts among the CISN member institutions and the Advanced National Seismic System
CISN Products CISN Display ShakeMap ShakeMap/HAZUS Interface Earthquake Notification Special Reports on Significant Earthquakes Strong Motion Data and Quick Reports Websites: and
Current and Planned Outreach Activities CISN Display
Wouldn’t It Be Great If: Critical real-time information was available in one convenient web-based package? This package was specifically designed for emergency responders? It was free of charge and continuously maintained and upgraded? You didn’t have to wait 10 years to get it?
What is it? An earthquake notification system that: Replaces CUBE and REDI displays Is a web-based application that is platform independent It is a gateway to many real-time information products Is quick, reliable, flexible and secure Provides magnitude and location, access to ShakeMap, strong motion records, HAZUS loss estimates, situation reports and other information in one application
CISN Display Version.903Beta
Upon Occurrence of an Event
Product Links
Link to ShakeMap
Overlay a ShakeMap
Track Aftershock Activity
Outreach Objective: CISN Display Develop a strategy and timetable for the dissemination of this product to targeted users Pre-Dissemination Activities – Monitor development and beta testing of the CISN Display – Obtain both informal and formal feedback from beta test users – Expand “Help-Desk” capability in anticipation of transfer – Prepare, review and critique documentation for download and operation
CISN Display Dissemination Strategy Assumptions: – Dissemination will be phased, targeting groups according to priorities established by the OWG – Target audiences will require tailored strategies based on function, technical sophistication, etc – Use a “no target group left behind” approach (will make every attempt to saturate target before moving on) – Make sure progress of transfer does not exceed capabilities of system.
Priority Target Groups: CISN Display Stage I (Year 1) – OES and FEMA, Headquarters and Regions – California State Agencies w/Emergency Response and Recovery Functions – All Operational Areas in California
Priority Target Groups: CISN Display Stage II (Year 2) – All local jurisdictions, including special districts – California utility and lifeline operators – All divisions of USGS in EQ Hazards Program – All seismic network operators in the nation – NOAA, NIST, NIBS, science oriented committees of Congress – Earth science and engineering centers (e.g. SCEC, PEER – NGO’s active in disaster response and recovery
Priority Target Groups: CISN Display Stage III (Year 3) – Emergency management personnel for large companies in California – News Organizations in California – California school districts – Hospitals in California Stage IV (Year 4-5) – Available to all interested parties
Methods of Dissemination Workshops with a “hands-on” orientation for specific target groups Detailed communication of information through letters to organizational directors Focused communication via , special web- pages and presentations to meetings/conferences As feasible, one-on-one orientation of specific target organizations
Current and Planned Outreach Activities ShakeMap/HAZUS
ShakeMap One of TriNet’s first products First map produced Displays the distribution of ground shaking Shows intensity, velocity, acceleration Maps available on the Internet Very rapid availability, within 5 minutes Maps generated for events M3.5 Can be used to generate scenarios
ShakeMap for Large Event: Hector Mine Earthquake of , M7.1
ShakeMap for Small Event, Near Gilroy , M4.9
TriNet ShakeMap for TV TriNet ShakeMap for TV Currently Available Very Simple Format TV News Gave Input Move Beyond Epicenter Avoid Confusion Between Magnitude and Intensity
ShakeMap-Based Earthquake Exercise Scenarios Introduces ShakeMap to responders Provides accurate and realistic scenario Can be coupled with HAZUS loss estimates Available for exercises It’s a free service of CISN Outreach
Scenario Earthquake Magnitude 6.6 San Joaquin Hills Fault Time of Occurrence 6:00 am April 28, 2004 Maximum Intensity MMI VIII Areas Affected: Coastal Orange County
San Joaquin Hills, M6.6 Scenario
Summary of HAZUS Estimated Losses to Orange County Total $ Losses (b$) 14.6 Total Displaced (t) 22,404 * Deaths 224 Injuries 6293 Debris Generated (mt) 10.4 Building Damage (Res)33,028 Building Damage (Com) 2,712
Summary of HAZUS Estimated Losses to the City of Anaheim Total $ Losses (m) $989 Total Displaced 656* – Need Shelter 500** Deaths 3 Injuries 224 Debris Generated (mt).51 Building Damage (Res) 822 Building Damage (Com) 12 * Households ** Individuals
Shaking Intensities (MMI)
Shaking Intensities-Anaheim
Displaced Households
Current and Planned Outreach Activities Website: as an Outreach Tool The website is our public face and a basic tool for outreach. It: – Highlights our multi-organizational cooperation – Is a gateway to EQ info from many sources – It places California in the context of ANSS – Provides an avenue for raising awareness of new real- time products – Is a vehicle for product and outreach performance evaluation – Features “My CISN” giving users the opportunity to customize the website to maximize it’s utility
Homepage of
Special Event Page: Parkfield
“MyCISN Offers Choices
Current and Planned Outreach Activities Real-Time Strong Motion Information
CGS administers CSMIP with over 900 stations, 650 ground response, 170 in buildings, 20 dams and 60 bridges Real-Time telemetry for strong motion instruments is a recent development Essential for a robust ShakeMap Near real-time information from instrumented buildings basis for rapid damage assessment Engineering community can learn much about damage from strong motion data (e.g. improve building codes, earthquake resistant design)
CSMIP Seminars
Internet Quick Reports
Quick Report Output
ATC-54 Guidelines
Current and Planned Outreach Activities Presentations, Materials, Electronic Media and Expos
Materials Have developed or are currently working on brochures for CISN, CISN Display, ShakeMap and other products Finalizing video promoting use of ShakeMap for news reporting of EQ’s ATC 54 Guidelines are being finalized Posters have been displayed at many conferences and meetings
Presentations OES lectures at CSTI, presentations at DRC USGS public lecture series, news interviews, many other forums CGS Strong Motion Utilization Seminars Caltech Earthquake Research Affiliates, info on southern CA EQ’s UC Berkeley participation in many conferences, info on northern CA EQ’s
Electronic Media Paged earthquake information from CISN ShakeMap shapefiles for GIS applications ShakeCast translation of ground motion to damage estimates Linkage of real-time earthquake information and HAZUS loss estimation Web-based and web-enabled data through CISN Display and websites
Expos All CISN affiliated organizations participate CGS has “make-a-quake” demonstration Displays that feature CISN products Posters at meeting attended by various target audiences Northridge Earthquake anniversary events reached many potential users
In Closing Outreach Plan contains an exhaustive list of planned and completed CISN outreach activities, including products, lead/support persons responsible for tasks, anticipated dates of completion, program evaluation components and working group organization and administration