Mrs. Chotkowski Jr / Sr Repro
Placenta What is this icky gooey stuff?? It’s function is to protect the fetus during development
Placenta There are three embryonic membranes: Chorion Allantios Amnion
Placenta Chorion: Outermost layer of the placenta Connected to the uterus
Placenta Chorion Cont: Points of attachment provide nourishment and waste disposal for the embryo
Placenta Amnion: “Bag of waters” Sac surrounding the embryo Contains amniotic fluid to protect the embryo from shock.
Placenta Amnion cont: Umbilical cord connects the amnion to the embryo’s navel. The cord provides nourishment to the embryo.
Placenta Allantios: Extension of the urinary system of the embryo. Lies between the amnion and the chorion.
Placenta Allantios: Contains allantoic fluid which originates in the embryo’s kidney. (fetal waste)
Placenta Ruminant Placenta is different. There are elevations located on the maternal surface.
Placenta Cotyledons: “buttons” elevations on the fetal surface that adhere to the maternal caruncle
Placenta Caruncles: Fleshy mass on maternal ruminant placenta Attaches to the fetal cotyledon. Together they form the placentome.
The End