HOUSEKEEPINGHOUSEKEEPING Good housekeeping conditions should be maintained at all times. Adequate aisles and passageways should be maintained in all work areas.
HOUSEKEEPINGHOUSEKEEPING Housekeeping standards: –Floors clean –Spills cleaned up –Traffic areas clear –Exits and stairs clearly marked and accessible –Garbage cans
HOUSEKEEPINGHOUSEKEEPING Keeps employees safe from falls Fires Other Hazards Housekeeping isn’t just up to the cleaning or maintenance crew
HOW DOES YOUR WORKPLACE STACK UP? Flammable materials away from ignition Traffic areas clear and free of obstacles such as boxes, cords, or air hoses
HOW DOES YOUR WORKPLACE STACK UP? Machines and tools kept clean, properly maintained Tools put away Work stations left clean Equipment and surfaces checked regularly
EXITSEXITS Are exits clearly marked and accessible
ELECTRICAL ROOMS Electrical panels left open can collect dust and cause fires Allowing materials to collect in the electrical room can also cause fires and prohibit access to the electrical panel in case of a fire
LUNCHROOMS BREAK-ROOMS Lunch areas kept clean Washrooms kept clean and dry Procedure in place to report and monitor
OFFICEOFFICE Chairs and stools correctly placed, in good repair Drawers and cabinet doors kept closed
Does your office look like this?
MAKE “GOOD HOUSEKEEPING” A WAY OF LIFE Housekeeping is part of daily job duties Plan the job Provide adequate trash bins Routine cleaning schedule Report unsafe conditions Conduct inspections No eating, drinking, or smoking at work stations Don’t use boxes as chairs Clearly mark hazards Properly maintain equipment
General housekeeping rules to remember are: Clean up after yourself. Keep your work area clean throughout the day. Dispose of combustibles and flammables properly. Remove protruding nails and other sharp objects or hammer them flat. Stack materials and supplies orderly.
SUMMARYSUMMARY It is everyone’s job to contribute to keeping things orderly, clean, in good repair – and safe!
CONCLUSIONCONCLUSION An uncluttered workplace shows respect for those who work there. Help keep it that way! Good housekeeping may be the last thing on your mind, but don’t ignore the fact that it prevents injuries.