Power Up in RPS
Active Directory Account
Your AD Account Gets You Into ASPEN
Marking Period Grades
CPR = Curriculum + Pacing Charts + Resources
Lesson Plan Template
Online Services
Absence Reporting solutions.com/
Employee Portal = Payroll
RPS Anywhere
Computer Problems? Call option 1 for the RPS ICTS Service Desk
The ICTS Service Desk handles: printer installations, password resets, hardware malfunctions, software installations, networking issues and general troubleshooting. You can also to create a service ticket:
Internet Safety
Social Media Etiquette ●”Friending & Following” students on social media is strongly discouraged! ●Be responsible and use common sense when posting on your own personal accounts, especially if your accounts are public. ● Educators are held to a higher standard of behavior both in and outside of the workplace!
Online Resources RPS suggested and paid resources
Interactive Achievement Primarily SOL Grades Login is full address See your ITRT for re-set of password if unable to log in
Interactive Achievement is for: Benchmark or 9-week testing Teacher-made bi-weekly or unit tests *** LDS is a great tool.
Problems with Interactive Achievement? Ask your STC ●Ask your ITRT ●use the IA Help Button ●contact Phyllis Gardner ●usually calling ICTS will NOT help
Discovery Education See your LIbrarian or ITRT for passcode to set up your own account (different code schl). Stream or download videos, Use Lesson plans and clip art, Create a profile to save information.
Edmodo Richmondcity.edmodo.com Enter your school code (get from your ITRT)
ClassroomClips.org Create your own account, be SURE to use your RPS to do so; this allows you to download instead of just stream the content.
EMediaVA.org Use your RPS as your username and then click forgot password Features information from PBS Learning nationwide Great Professional Development!
Tumblebooks (Elem) & Cloud (Middle/High) A collection of animated, talking picture books, suited for elementary school children. Username and/or password is not required when going thru the Library of Virginia.
Flocabulary Videos and activities that promotes academic achievement (i.e. vocabulary improvement) in all subject areas. student code: richmondcps Teacher activation code: nts/activation-process/richmond- city-pblc-schs-2/
Reading A to Z Lessons and activities are aligned with the curriculum. Increases students comprehension, vocabulary and writing skills. Who has an account? 6 folks at each elementary school (usually grade level chairs) Talk to ITRT or Phyllis Gardner with ???
Gizmos: ExploreLearning/Math & Science Online solutions that help increase students skills in math and science.
Reflex Math Game based system utilized by students to increase math fact fluency Elementary grades See your math resource teacher or lead math teacher for login information
Benchmark Universe Interactive learning portal for K-5 students See your ITRT or Reading Specialist for login information Benchmark Universe preferred browser: Chrome Grades K-5 username: student ID# (WITH leading zeros) password: DOB - Without leading zeros in month or day (m/d/yyyy) username: full RPS address OR RPS username password: DOB - Without leading zeros in month or day (m/d/yyyy) OR last name w/ 1st letter capitalized
Achieve Offers hundreds of curriculum related articles organized by content area, geographic region or time period Encourages higher lexile levels Teachers monitor progress & provide differentiation Reading Specialist will disperse logins at a later date
Compass Learning Web based diagnostic learning tool Whole group or individual assignments can include interactive modules, games or text Select Elementary & Middle Schools Compass LearningSelect schools:username: student ID# (without leading zeros) password: RPS123 * School code also needed username: RPS username password: RPSteacher12
iStation Reading program that only some elementary schools use. Check with your ITRT!
Brainpop and Brainpop Jr. Games, animated videos, and review activities username: rpschools password: 4me2use
SOL Pass Review Games and SOL Practice Tests Social Studies and Science for ES and MS Choose one of our schools; and the password: richmond.
Gale Hundreds of online professional learning titles: read on laptop or mobile device. Check with your media specialist for access code for your school. password: schools
Encyclopedia Britannica Online encyclopedia for references No password needed
Image Quest Copyright free images Username: rpshome Password: home
Find it VA Free access to online resources from your local Virginia library (while on the RPS network)
WorldBookOnline.com username= rpshome password= home
TeachingBooks.net Lesson plans and activities related to books. username: rps address password: Richmond
Microsoft Office Available for FREE for teachers through the Home Use Program - Personnel - Employee Discounts
Office 365 For Office 365: go to the following web address & use your RPS to gain access a2d5-4d76-8d30-7c6e01e6022e
So…. one last thing….
And one last thing….
And THAT is IT, folks!