Inserm EDEN and ELFE mother-child cohorts Dietary assessment in infancy and early childhood
EDEN mother-child cohort Study of pre and post-natal determinants of child’s health and development
Influence of pre/postnatal conditions and environment (familial, socioeconomic and physicochemical) on children’s development, health and socialization
Synopsis EDENELFE PopulationGeneral population ObjectiveHealth, developmentHealth, development, socialization AreaTwo regions of FranceFrance (Metropolitan) RecruitmentEarly pregnancyAt birth Sample size BeginningFeb 2003 – Jan Follow-up5 y20 y (+ passive follow-up) Clinical exams/biology++++
Inclusion criteria EDENELFE Single birth Live in Poitiers or Nancy area No plan to move outside these two regions No diabetes diagnosed before pregnancy Ability to speak and write French Birth one of the recruitment days Single or twin birth Live in France metropolitan for at least 3y Gestational age >33 wk of amenorrhea
EDENELFE Mother: -FFQ before pregnancy -FFQ during 3rd trimester -FFQ at 8y follow-up Father: FFQ at birth for the preconceptional period 130 items 50 items 150 items 30 items (subsample) Breastfeeding -yes/no -date of cessation and reasons for 4mo, 8mo, 12mo, 24mo 6wk, 2-10mo, 1y 6wk, 1y, 2y, 3y Formula milk -age at introduction -yes/no -types of formula milk used 4mo 4mo, 8mo, 12mo, 24mo 4mo, 8mo 6wk, 2-10mo, 1y 2-10mo Weaning: age of introduction16 food items at 4mo, 8mo23 items, lumps 2-10mo Child’s food intake -Dietary records -FFQ 4mo, 8mo, 12mo 30 items at 2, 3, 5y 50 items at 8y 30 items at 2y, 8Y?
EDENELFE Child eating behaviour -Appetite -Sucking intensity -Neophobia -CHILD -CEBQ 4, 8, 12mo, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8y 4mo 1, 2, 3, 5y 5y, 8y 8y 6wk, 1y 1y (2 items) Some items at 2 yr Parental eating behaviour - TFEQ-R212yNot yet decided Feeding practices -Feeding on schedule -Pressure to eat -CFPQ 4mo, 8mo 4mo, 8mo, 2y 2y 3 and 8y 1 yr (1 item) Child food preferencesTest at 5yInternet test at 8y? Meal frequency4, 8, 12mo, 2, 3, 5, 8y2-10mo, 3y, 8y Ready-prepared baby foodfrequency of use at 24mo Age at last use Use (y/n) every month from 2 to 10 mo – frequency of use at 1yr
Biological samples EDENELFE Serum and plasma: mother, father, cord DNA: mother, father, cord Red cells membranes: mother, cord Platelets: cord Urine, saliva: mother Hairs: mother, newborn Breast milk (before hospital discharge) Placenta Meconium Serum, plasma: mother, cord DNA: mother, cord Red cells: cord Urine: mother Hairs: mother Breast milk (before hospital discharge) Meconium, stools before discharge