Film Techniques Camera shots and angles
Contents Film techniques – shot size Film techniques – camera angles Extreme long shot Long shot Medium shot Close-up Extreme close-up Film techniques – camera angles High-angle shot Eye-level shot Low-angle shot
Film Films tell us about people, places, stories and ideas. A good story is part of a film’s appeal but so is the way in which the film-maker brings that story to the screen. If we put a series of images together, we can create a visual text that tells a story. The ways the images are shot and sequenced help to construct the story and communicate meaning.
Extreme long shot An extreme long shot shows the landscape of a film. It is often used in a film’s opening to give information about where the action is taking place and to signal the atmosphere of the film.
Long shot A long shot includes a full-length human figure and some of the surroundings. This shot shows the link between the characters and their environment. Here there is a connection between the characters and their traditions which is represented by the sacred Maori house
Medium shot A medium shot usually shows a person from the waist up. We can view their facial expressions and body language, and get to know the character more closely.
Close-up Background can be seen A close-up contains almost no background, but focuses on the whole of an object or a person’s face. Close-up shots are used to give detail, often of a character’s personality, and can reveal the thoughts and feelings of a character. Eyes down cast, a downward vector
Extreme close-up An extreme close-up focuses on part of an object or face; for example an eye. Extreme close-up shots are often used to show tension. This emphasises the crying and distress of the baby
High-angle shot The boys are in a weak position The angle of the camera helps to set the mood of the film. In a high-angle shot, the camera is above the person or object, often making the person or object appear weak, inferior or under pressure.
Eye-level shot An eye-level angle shows a character at eye-level to the camera, encouraging the audience to see the character as being on an equal footing with themselves and other characters.
A Low-angle shot In a low-angle shot, the camera is below the person or object, usually making that person or object seem powerful and important. The whale becomes dominant and threatening
Point of view A POV or point of view shot shows the audience the scene through the eyes of one of the characters. This gives the audience an idea of being in the scene and experiencing the action or event.
Pan, track, Tilt Pan – a pan shot is the movement of the camera lens across a scene. This shows a number of aspects in a scene, it may be long, medium or close up. A pan shot can emphasise a group reaction to an event for example. Track – a tracking shot follows a character or a car as it moves along. Tilt – The camera lens moves up or down. This changes the importance or status of a character or action.
Analysis What type of shot is this? What is the effect of using this type of shot? Why is the background included in the shot? What visual techniques are seen in this shot? What meaning does this convey? Analysis
Rewrite these sentences and then put into a paragraph down expression is facial Her and looking serious she is. The creates of feelings her eye line downward a revealing vector negative thoughts or direction. shown grandmother is The by a reveals close shot up her which emotions. connects character to the This background the this case which is the in kitchen. is to background the frame the right She of with positioned the clearly seen.
Rewrite these sentences The grandmother is shown by a close up shot which reveals her emotions. Her facial expression is serious and she is looking down. The vector of her eye line creates a downward direction revealing negative thoughts or feelings. She is positioned to the right of the frame with the background clearly seen. This connects the character to the background which in this case is the kitchen. Rewrite these sentences
Write a paragraph analysing this shot