伴讀伴學英語學習活動 經驗分享 Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School A.M. 11 th March, 2005 Teachers' Professional Experience Sharing Month 2005 / QEF Projects Exposition 2005
Cooperative Learning Face to Face Interaction Positive Interdependence Individual Accountability Collaborative Skills Reflection
Strategies Rally Robin Think-Pair-Share Numbered Heads Together Roundtable Three-Step Interview A B, C D B A, D C A C/D, B C/D, C A/B, D A/B Jigsaw (Expert group, Home group) Reader’s TheatreReader’s Theatre Buddy ReadingBuddy Reading
Reader’s Theatre
What? No full memorization; no full costume; no stage Reading parts (roles) in scripts Performing with a purpose, and bringing enjoyment to both themselves and their audiences Purpose for writing, reading, and sharing their learning by bringing others into the joyful "imagination space" they create Adapted fro"Readers Theatre in Elementary Classroom" and "Strategies for Reading: Readers Theatre in the Middle School" by Lois Walker
How? To read aloud and perform ready-made scripts with expressions (reading, speaking, listening)read aloud and perform To create a part of the scripts or a new ending (reading, writing) To open discussions on characters and the plot (speaking, listening, negotiating)
Resources edit a story with dialogues free on the web: er/Scripts/scripts.html
Buddy Reading Programme
Background first trailed in PSED scheme in 2001: Students on task Student Interaction Enjoyment Peer Learning further develop with P.5-6 English Ambassadors and lower level students
Understand the basic conventions of written English Construct meaning from text Locate information and ideas Present information, ideas and feelings clearly and coherently Participate effectively in an oral interaction Develop pupils’ generic skills Aims:
Programme structure Lesson 1- 3: facial expression, voice projection & intonation Lesson 4: Teacher’s demonstration Lesson 5: Group presentation Lesson 6-12: Try out and evaluation
Po Leung Kuk Chee Jing Yin Primary School A.M. Buddy Reading Programme Peer Assessment Record Sheet Observer’s name: Class: Date: Name Body Language: Eye contact / facial expression Attitude: Patient and kind Technique: Asking appropriate questions Pronunciation: Stress / intonation Level of the book Comments / Suggestions Keys: Good: O.K. Need further improvement:
Buddy Reading Programme Training Story-telling
Demonstration by Students