GLOBAL REALITY 10 Threats, 12 Policies, 10 Major Players 20 Minutes of Context Robert David Steele-Vivas CEO, OSS.Net, Inc. Co-Founder, Earth Intelligence Network
Were in a Six-Front 100-Year War of Our Own Making. America is losing/has lost the moral high ground.
Source: PIOOM (NL), data with permission © 2002 A. Jongman Conflict Facts for 2002: 23 LIC+, 79 LIC-, 175 VPC
Ethnic Fault Lines Genocide Campaigns On-Going Today Source: Dr. Greg Stanton,
Water & War Source: The State of the World Atlas (1997), chart 54, 53 Hyper-Arid Sub-Humid Arid Semi-Arid Water Pollution
Global Threats to Local Survival *State of the World Atlas (1997), ** Marq de Villier (Water), John Heidenrich and Greg Stanton (Genocide), Michael Klare et al (Resources), all others from PIOOM Map 2002 Complex Emergencies 32 Countries Refugees/Displaced 66 Countries Food Security 33 Countries Child Soldiers 41 Countries Modern Plagues* 59 Countries & Rising Water Scarcity & Contaminated Water** Ethnic Conflict 18 Genocides Today** Resource Wars, Energy Waste & Pollution** Corruption Common 80 Countries Censorship Very High 62 Countries
Water & War Source: The State of the World Atlas (1997), chart 54, 53 Hyper-Arid Sub-Humid Arid Semi-Arid Water Pollution
Information Converted Into Intelligence Will Create Infinite Wealth for All Collective Intelligence Harnesses the Distributed Intelligence of the Whole Earth
10 Threats Each with great costs. Each tears apart the Earth. We must address all of them, as a whole, in unison. 12 Policies Each offers significant savings. Each can impact on saving the Earth. We must craft all of them, as a whole, in unison.
Agriculture Local & Organic Deep Root Farming Family/Community Owned Farming Debt $9 Trillion is a lot Debt scales & incapacitates. Balanced Budget Diplomacy Dogma kills Restore USIA Need global information sharing Economy End CEO Greed $10/hr minimum wage Full employment LOCAL supply chain Education Self-paced Online Apprenticeships Team Learning Learn to learn Energy Wind & Solar NOW Portable Electricity Two-way Grid Green capitalism Family One job per couple End overtime Community Centers Build neighborhoods Immigration Enforce Labor Law GLOBAL standards Border Patrol +25,000 Biometric tagging Justice Pardon all marijuana offenders Wind down the prison-slave complex Eliminate corporate personality amnesty Security Wage peace not war Wind down the military-industrial complex Belief systems and morality are core. Society Universal service Universal health care Preventive medicine English required for citizenship & extended residence Water Reflect True Cost Global Manhattan Project to restore aquifers, push salt back Regional Water Authorities
Ten Major Players Killing the Earth Brazil China Europe India Indonesia Iran Russia United States Venezuela Wild Cards The Earth is Lost if the USA continues to consume one third of the energy and produce one third of the waste. The Earth is also Lost if we fail to help all of the other major players avoid our near-catastrophic mistakes.
The Budget as Baseline
Al Gore, EIN, & Amazon
New Strategy, Better Balance 45% 20% 20% 15% 248B vs. 550B 110B vs 20B 110B vs. 20B 82B vs. 36B CINCWARCINCSOLICCINCPEACECINCHOME Strategic NBCSmall WarsState/USIAIntelligence Big War(s)ConstabularyPeace CorpsBorder Patrol Ground TruthEconomic AidPort Security 1iii Electronic Reserve Environment Public Health Peace Navy
Governance Reform Coalition Cabinet Balanced Open Budget Quality Education Public Health Ethics 7th Generation Issues –Water –Energy –Information/Education
Electoral Reform Voting on week-ends League of Women Voters & Debates Cabinet Choices in Advance & in Debates Instant Run-Off End Gerrymandering End Corporate Funding
Lets Get Our Priorities Straight! Third, have a strategy to empower the poor, create wealth, and sustain peace & Earth. First, be strong at home. Second, be America the Good abroad.
A Strong America Through Common Sense We must honor our values and stop supporting dictators. We must serve the interests of the people rather than corporations. We must have balanced national security capabilities. We must be fiscally sound.
Al Gore Earth Leader & Meme Catalyst Saving America for Future Generations by Saving the Planet