First impressions Part 4 Client interaction By Alicia McClenaghan DVN
Silent Message …… shhhh
First impressions You never get a second chance to make a first impression. It takes 7 seconds to make an impression and 2 hours to change it.
S E E B A L SEE S: smile E: eye contact E: enthusiasm BAL B: Body language A: Acknowledge L: listen
Non-verbal communication 93% of the meaning is transmitted non-verbally 7% in words “You” Why are these aspects of your demeanour important? Emotion……………. Spiritual……………. Mental…………… Physical………………
Non-verbal communication 55% facial expression 38% vocal tone
Opening the conversation Start with general conversation E.g. weather, parking, animal Why: puts the client at ease Stressful taking pet to vets NOT if obvious emergency!
Gathering information Use open questions at first E.g What has been happening with Scamp since we last saw him? Allow the client to reply without interruption Move to closed questions for specifics Summarise
Pick up cues from client Start with non- verbal cues Listen carefully to what the client says Owner says of diabetic dog: “I worry that I hurt him when I give him the injections but I suppose he’s used to it by now”
First Impressions “Quick to be made hard to change” Summary