TASFAA ABC’s Pre-Conference Workshop October 2013 Jane Caldwell Director, Grants and Special Programs Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
* State fiscal year 2014 = academic year ** Beginning fall 2014, 2-year schools are being phased out of these programs. 3 ProgramEligible InstitutionsEligible Students TEXAS GrantAll public**Undergraduate Tuition Equalization Grant Independent Non-profitUndergraduate and Graduate TX Educational Opportunity Grant 2-year publicUndergraduate TX College Work-StudyPublic & Independent Nonprofit Undergraduate and Graduate Top 10 ScholarshipAll PublicUndergraduate B-On-Time LoansAll Public**Undergraduate CAL LoansPublic & Independent Nonprofit Undergraduate and Graduate
Signed agreements/MOU’s with the CB – to follow statutes and rules; subject to audits and reviews Program rules; written by CB & posted on CB site Program guidelines; (requirements/deadlines) from CB Program allocations (each school’s share of a program’s funds); calculated by CB & announced to the institutions Funds requests; submitted by schools, requesting periodic disbursements Reports (End-of-Year & Financial Aid Database Report); designed by CB & compiled and submitted by institutions 4
FederalState EFC CalculationUse the FAFSA, including PJ and verification Also accept TASFA SAP Requirements for Grants GPA and completion ratesGPA and completion rates, but they differ by program ResidencyUS Citizens, Permanent Residents and Eligible Noncitizens Texas residents as defined by state law Period of Eligibility150% of hours for degreeVaries by program Definition of Fiscal Year (FY) References first calendar year of academic term FY2014 = FY Period: July 1 – June 30 References last calendar year of academic term FY2014 = FY Period: Sept. 1– Aug. 31 5
Immigration Status (FAFSA)(TASFA) I am a U.S. citizen x I am a permanent resident with an Alien Registration Card (I-551) x I am a conditional permanent resident with visa type I-551C x I am an eligible noncitizen with an Arrival/Departure Record (I-94) showing one of the following: *Refugee *Asylum granted *Parolee (minimum of 1 year) *Cuban-Haitian entrant x I do not meet one of the statuses above; however, I have been classified as a Texas resident and therefore am eligible to pay the Texas in-state tuition rate. My classification as a Texas resident is NOT due to a waiver. x 6
RESIDENCY IS NOT DETERMINED BY THE FA OFFICE. IT IS DETERMINED BY THE REGISTRAR/ADMISSIONS OFFICE. 1. It is not based on FAFSA data. 2. It is not based on where they graduated from High School. 3. Use the coding from the Registrar/Admissions Office. If you believe they made an error, work things out with them. It is VERY important that your school be consistent in its reporting of residency. 7
Funded through set-asides from tuition. Eligibility requirements: Enroll at a public institution Financial need Register with Selective Service or be exempt (all public institutions but CC’s) Awarded based on institution’s policies and procedures. Continuation award eligibility: Not an entitlement – renewal awards occur at the institution’s discretion No statutory end to student eligibility 8
Eligibility requirements: Texas resident enrolled full-time and eligible for federal aid New, Fall 2014: can be awarded with TXG; unused funds swept on Feb. 20; no disbursements before 9/01; 2-yr inst – RY only; counseling required for high default & low forgiveness rates Continuation award eligibility: End of 1 st year – institution’s SAP policy Thereafter, overall GPA of 2.5; 75% completion in prior year Ends with completion of a BA or 150 hours of BOT Repayment benefits: Loan forgiveness if graduate within a certain time frame, number of hours, and with a certain GPA 0% interest loan if not eligible for forgiveness 9
Available at public and private/non-profit institutions Funded through the sale of state bonds Eligibility requirements: Texas resident enrolled at least ½ time Receive a favorable credit evaluation or provide an eligible cosigner who has good credit standing Meet the institution’s SAP policy New, fall 2014: tiered origination fees based on highest score of student or cosigner – 0%, 3%, or 5% 10
Available at public and private institutions Funded through appropriations Matching funds required unless proof is provided to the CB that matching is waived for Federal WS Eligibility requirements: Texas resident undergraduate or graduate student with financial need and enrolled at least ½-time Registered with Selective Service (or exempt) Not receiving an athletic scholarship Not enrolled in a seminary or other program leading to ordination or licensure to preach for a religious sect or be a member of an order. 11
Funded through appropriations. Eligibility requirements: Texas resident or National Merit Finalist with need and enrolled ≥¾-time Undergraduate or graduate Registered with Selective Service (or exempt) Not receiving an athletic scholarship Paying more tuition than is required at a comparable public institution Continuation award eligibility: First year – meet college SAP Subsequent years: 2.5 GPA, 75% completion rate; complete 24 SCH per year UG, (18 SCH per year for Grads) Eligibility ends for undergrads -- 5 year max for 4 year degree, or 6 year max for 4+ year degree 12
Funded through appropriations Eligibility requirements: Texas resident, registered with Selective Service (or exempt). Recommended or higher HS curriculum; graduate from TX public or private HS in top 10 percent of the class Meet priority deadline; show need (COA – EFC – PELL >=$1) Maintain full-time enrollment through fall census date Clear verification, duplicate award, etc. by October 1 Continuation award eligibility: Cumulative 3.25 GPA, complete 30 SCH and 75% of the hours attempted in the previous year Eligibility ends with BA or 4 years – whichever comes first 13
Funded through appropriations Initial eligibility requirements: Entering undergraduate at 2-year institution; not receiving a TX Grant Texas resident with need, EFC < 2,000 and enrolled at least ½ time Registered with Selective Service (or exempt) and no drug conviction Continuation award eligibility: Calculated need End of 1 st year – institution’s SAP policy; end of 2 nd year and thereafter – overall GPA of 2.5 and 75% annual completion rate Eligibility ends with the first of AD, 75 SCH’s, or 4 years 14
Changes are noted with red ink. 15
Funded through appropriations Initial Award Eligibility: TX resident with need; EFC < $4,620; enrolled ¾ time; and Registered with Selective Service (or exempt); no drug conviction; and o If graduated under the Recommended HS Curriculum (or higher), be an entering undergraduate at any public institution within 16 months of HS graduation and if entering a public university, Lamar- Orange or Lamar-Port Arthur, meet Priority Model requirements to get top consideration; OR o Be an in-coming undergraduate with an associate’s degree who enters within 12 months of the receipt of the AD o Be an in-coming undergraduate who graduated HS on/after May 1, 2013, entered the military within 12 months of HS graduation and is enrolling within 12 months of an honorable discharge 16
Only applies to universities, Lamar-O and Lamar-PA Priority will be given to students who meet the priority deadline, meet program basic requirements and qualify under any two of the following four areas of academic achievement : Left-over funds after priority students are awarded will go to other eligible students meeting current requirements Flag priority model recipients for tracking! 17 Advanced Academic Programs (12 SCH, DAP, or IB) Class Standing (top 3 rd of class or B average) TSI Readiness (meet TSI thresholds or be exempt) Advanced Math (math class beyond Algebra II)
No IY awards at the 2-year institutions, including Lamar-O and PO; IY awards only at universities, med & dental units EFC cap for IY will be updated for new year tuition and fee costs Foundation Program added to eligible HS curriculums Enrollment in baccalaureate degree program required New transfer student IY pathway: no previous TXG, at least 24 SCH, 2.5 overall GPA, TEOG in fall 2014 Flag transfer students for tracking! 18
Basic RY Eligibility: Must show financial need SAP – at end of 1 st year – meet institution’s SAP policy; SAP – at end of 2 nd year and thereafter – overall GPA of 2.5, 75% annual completion rate, and 24 SCH’s completed per year ◦ Eligibility ends with BA, 150 grant SCH’s, or 5 years for 4-year plan; 6 years for 4+ year plan whichever occurs first STARTING Fall 2014: RY awards at the 2-year institutions limited to eligible students with an IY award prior to fall 2014 STARTING Fall 2014: RY awards at 4-year institutions limited to eligible students working on baccalaureate degrees unless the IY award was received prior to fall
Grants & Special Programs: or G&SP Distribution List: Official communications – program guidelines, allocations, + Subscribe or unsubscribe to G/SP distribution list: G&SP Information Site: Webinars, program information, report information, etc. 20
You have entered a career that is extremely important, rewarding, challenging…and that can be very frustrating. Remember, you help students achieve their dreams. It is an honor to work with you. Please contact us if we can ever be of assistance. Jane Caldwell & Grants/Special Programs 21