Communicate Like a CHAMP! Kevin Snyder, Kevin Snyder, Ed.D. Motivational Speaker/Author.


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Presentation transcript:

Communicate Like a CHAMP! Kevin Snyder, Kevin Snyder, Ed.D. Motivational Speaker/Author

This award-winning presentation will have narratives so you can better understand and learn from the slides. If you were to present this PowerPoint, simply delete the narratives. Enjoy! For questions, please contact me. Communicate Like a CHAMP!

“I didn’t say I stole the money.’’ By changing vocal inflection on the underlined words, you can change the meaning of this phrase five(5) different ways.

“I didn’t say I stole the money.’’ Kevin Snyder,

Takeaway: “How” we say something can communicate an entirely different message.

Effective communication, like leadership, is more about awareness than anything else. The majority of our communication is nonverbal! We must be aware of not only communication techniques but also in how we are perceived.

Envision you are watching a speaker or are speaking.... List/think about all the ways communication is taking place.

Common answers: Body language, facial expressions, hand gestures, movement, eye contact, attire, confidence …. Oh yes, and the words you actually speak!

“One of the most important aspects about communication is to ‘hear’ what isn't being said.” Kevin Snyder,

What are the “methods” by which we communicate? Face-to-face speaking is one … how else do you communicate with someone on a daily basis?

Examples: Phone, text, , instant messaging, social media, writing a letter (oh yeah!)

With the advent of technology and how we communicate through tech, there now exist numerous ways in which we communicate, i.e. inputs. With so many inputs and ways to communicate, we “think” we’ve communicated … but have we?

“The challenge with communication is the ILLUSION that it’s actually taken place.” Kevin Snyder,

#1 use of the flip phone?

Talking on it!

#1 use of the ‘smart’ phone?

Texting! Talking is #3 …

Don’t confuse ACTIVITY with PRODUCTIVITY Just b/c we communicate more quickly and use many more approaches doesn’t mean we’re more productive. If anything, communication is more difficult!

Don’t confuse ACTIVITY with PRODUCTIVITY DID YOU KNOW: Twitter only allows 140 characters for a reason … Average person’s ATTENTION SPAN!

Why is this ________________ important? What _____________ will I help them solve? information problem Two questions that will engage who’s listening to you: Kevin Snyder,

What do you notice about this presentation? Visuals? Bullet points? The next few slides offer some tips for your next PowerPoint!

Kevin Snyder, Ed.D. Credit to Stan Phelps

Kevin Snyder, Ed.D. Credit to Stan Phelps

FI LAND THAT JETFIGHTER! Communications Activity * Award winning … try this in your organization!

FI * The step-by-step facilitation guide for this powerful activity can be found on this link here!found on this link here LAND THAT JETFIGHTER!

Activity Directions Handouts are required. To download handouts, click here!click here You’ll also need slips of paper

Activity Directions No talking Only communicate through notes Must raise hand for messenger Three songs


How did this game make you feel? Who felt frustrated?

Please read your directions

Group questions As Pilots sitting in the ‘A’ seat, what strategies could we have implemented to prevent communication breakdown? As ‘C-D-E’ passengers, what could we have done since we find ourselves in the back, lacking information?

“PILOTS – A Seat” ~ Don’t assume everyone knows what you know ~ Ensure everyone knows the objective ~ Acknowledge you need everyone to get to safety ~ Delegate/ask for help

“Co-Pilot/Navigator – B Seat” ~ Be clear about what the objectives are ~ Ask “Pilot” for clarification and help ~ Let “Passengers” know what you know

“Passengers – C-D-E” ~ Be clear about what the objectives are ~ Ask “Co-Pilot” for clarification and help ~ Don’t just sit there … Get Involved!

Communicate differently based on what we know We need everyone in the plane As professionals, we find ourselves in each seat at that same time

FREE eBooks by texting ‘KevinCSnyder’ to #22828 For any questions, or to inquire about Dr. Snyder’s motivational speaking and workshop topics, please simply reach out : Kevin Snyder, Ed.D.