COLOR ALERT A Carbon Monoxide detecting paint Nicole Yu
CARBON MONOXIDE POISONING leading cause of poisoning death odorless, tasteless, colorless = extremely hard to detect high concentration are fatal within minutes impair the blood’s ability to transport oxygen suffocation
CURRENT TECHNOLOGY carbon monoxide detectors are somewhat effective must be installed at certain locations in order to remain accurate cannot be exposed to sunlight, humidity, and other conditions false positives
COLOR ALERT Requires: E. Coli bacteria amplifier gate cutM-cutS-cutL gene cutM-cutS-cutL gfp reporter gene ampicillin resistance gene KODE technology paint
Plasmid inserted into bacteria Ampicillin resistance gene carbon monoxide activator for amplifier gate cutM- cutS-cutL gene cutM- cutS-cutL gfp =reporter gene
HOW IT WORKS plasmid inserted into E. Coli bacteria grown on Agar plates with ampicillin and Luria broth eliminate any bacteria that has not taken in the plasmid CO will activate the amplifier gate which will activate the transcription factor activate the open reading frame of cutM-cutS-cutL gene produce carbon monoxide dehydrogenase = enzyme that catalyzes conversion from CO to CO 2 CO + H 2 O --> CO H + + 2e (Carbon Cycle) activation of cutM-cutS-cutL -- cutM-cutS-cutL gfp GLOW GREEN!!
KODE TECHNOLOGY contains amphipathic function-spacer-lipid constructs hydrophilic functional head hydrophilic spacer lipid tail
KODE TECHNOLOGY CONT. modify a surface through process known as koding lipid tail acts like an anchor spontaneously integrates into the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane functional head is interchangeable depending on what function something that can attach to material of the wall being painted cells secured to the wall
EXPECTED RESULTS Carbon Monoxide Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase Green Flouresence
WHY COLOR ALERT? can detect both the presence and origin of CO beneficial to those with hearing impairments who cannot hear the traditional smoke alarms simple incorporation into house = more accuracy, less mistakes from misplacement or sensitivity
FLAWS & RISKS OF THIS DESIGN uncertain how long bacteria can survive in such environment system may become extremely impractical if bacteria does not have a prolonged life span how effective FSL constructs are over multiple generation cannot be seen when asleep in laboratory, precautions must be taken to prevent bacteria from escaping if bacteria gets into environment, could evolve and horizontal gene transfer could occur with other bacteria
TESTING & POTENTIAL ensure the efficacy of the device indicate possible changes that could be implemented to improve the system if effective, design could be applied to other areas such as cars or mines could also lead to the development of organisms to replace other alarm systems
SOURCES Anand, Ashima, T. Satyanarayana, and & Satyanarayana: Applicability Of Co Dehydrogenase. "Applicability of Carboxydotrophic Bacterial Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase(CODH) in Carbon Sequestration and Bioenergy Generation." Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research (2012): NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository. 16 Apr. 2012niscair online periodicals repository. Web. 29 July "Biosurface Innovation Has Never Been Easier." KODE Biotech. KODE Biotech, Web. 29 July "CO Dehydrogenase/Acetyl-CoA Synthase (CODH/ACS)." Chemwiki. UC Davis ChemWiki, n.d. Web. 29 July "Function-spacer-lipid Construct." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 1 Jan Web. 29 July Kang, Beom S., and Young M. Kim. "Cloning and Molecular Characterization of the Genes for Carbon Monoxide Dehydrogenase and Localization of Molybdopterin, Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide, and Iron-Sulfur Centers in the Enzyme of Hydrogenophaga Pseudoflava." Journal of Bacteriology. American Society for Microbiology, Sept Web. 29 July "" N.p., n.d. Web. 29 July K.R. Tremblay, Jr. "Preventing Carbon Monoxide Problems." Preventing Carbon Monoxide Problems. Colorado State University, 3 Mar Web. 29 July "MSHA - Carbon Monoxide." United States Department of Labor. U.S Department of Labor, n.d. Web. 29 July
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