Construction of the Tracker End Caps CMS Tracker MPR 22/11/2004 D. Contardo Aachen I, Aachen III, Antwerpen, Brussels, Hamburg, Karlruhe, Louvain, Lyon, Strasbourg, UCSB, Vienna, Zurich ETH 1)TEC Organization 2)Petal integration 3)TEC+, TEC- integration 4)Summary 1 TEC - 9 disks petals of 8 differents types SI-modules of 12 different types
TEC Construction Centres Responsibilities (only) + Aachen III : module QC and debug + Antwerpen, Aachen III, Strasbourg, Louvain and UCSB : sampling LT module test + Karlsruhe : petal production QC, logistics + Lyon-Aachen I : beam tests system tests, petal debug TEC+ AachenTEC- Lyon
Meetings : - Weekly video conferences, TEC meetings during CERN weeks and workshops outside CERN List of links to all web sites relevant to TEC activities : Responsibles : - Identified responsibles per center and per task (collaboration of various instituts on identified tasks), contribution to Tracker working goups. Tools : - Specific tools to monitor parts data, production quality and flow : - DB Browser interfaces : - Nightly update of module test results : MSTEC/cmstec.php MSTEC/cmstec.php - DB link to excel files for comparison of achieved and expected flowsexcel files TEC centres work organization
TEC module production status from DB WEB interface of Louvain updated every night : /CMSTEC/cmstec.php /CMSTEC/cmstec.php TEC module production yield ~97%
- Validation of petal design in Beam Tests and System Tests (Aachen I -Lyon) - Petal Mechanics construction and test (Aachen I, Louvain) - InterConnectBoards (Aachen I) - Assembly and Deep Qualification : two pilot centres (Lyon, Karlsruhe) to develop set-ups Cloned at other PICs. TEC PETAL INTEGRATION
TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 1) PETAL DESIGN VALIDATION Beam test : 1 read-out loop, 1Front+1Back Petal cooling at -20°
TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 1) PETAL DESIGN VALIDATION Beam test : 1 read-out loop, 1Front+1Back Petal cooling at -20°
TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 2) PETAL MECHANICS Link : Petal_production.docPetal_production.doc A/ Cooling Pipes + Manifolds: Cooling pipes bent in Louvain Manifolds produced by IPT Manifold + pipes in welding jig (Aachen) Laser weld manifolds (IPT) Leak test with N2 at 12 bar (Aachen) B/ Prepare petal bodies: Glue second skin on underside of Eurocomposite CF plates (ADCO) Precut plates into petals (1 plate = 5 petals) in Aachen Machine petal bodies into exact shape + machine grooves and holes (IPT)
C/Complete Petals: Equip petal with cooling pipe and cooling inserts (also the PEEK inserts for mounting the ICBs) in the gluing jig (Aachen) Glue in the AOH bridges (after removal from glueing jig) – (Aachen) Glue the second skin on the upper side, thus closing the petal (ADCO) Precision machining of inserts (Aachen) Glue the 3 feet to mount the petal onto the TEC disk (Aachen) Glue protection rims, manifold inserts and 2D label TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 2) PETAL MECHANICS
All material available. Production rate: 2 petals/day (Limited by : gluing pipes+inserts in petal -- here the issue is manpower, and precision machining) Mass production will start in January and will be finished in Dec. '05 (Assume no production in August, plus some contingency). D/Petal testing (Aachen): Register petal in DB Check electrical insulation + thermal efficiency of inserts (enter results in DB) E/ Mount the ICBs (Aachen): icbtest.pdficbtest.pdf All ICBs prepared and tested (28/02/2005) (ICBs for 30 front and 30 back petals available 30/11/2004) Mount ICBs on petals Readout test on sample basis (10%) TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 2) PETAL MECHANICS
12 types of modules, 13 types of optohybrides, 10’s of mechanical pieces Assembly guided by dedicated program : - All steps of assembly described in order - Component types and status checked from DB - Component functionalities (400) performed automatically after mounting - Petal composition files generated for DB and LT set-up TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 3) ASSEMBLY B. Trocme
Explicative picture Comments on: - pieces to be used (centre liner,distance plates...) - screw length - torque mom. to apply - aob... TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 3) ASSEMBLY
typical explicative pictures TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 3) ASSEMBLY
TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 4) LONG TERM QUALIFICATION - commissioning of petal - 3 days of warm cold cycles for stability test - generate result.xml file G. Dirkes :
Software : Optoscan runs (~12 min) Time tune runs (~5 min) Ped runs (~7 min per APV mode) Cal profile runs (1.5 h per APV mode) IV runs (2 h / to be optimised! Expect 8-12min finally) Latency runs (2 h peak inv on) Scenarios working Slow control and interlocks ready (Louvain) TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 4) LONG TERM QUALIFICATION
Constrains for petal integration rates ● Integration takes two days with two operators and can be done in parallel with LT testing ● Commissoning in LT setup takes 1 day, assembly bench needed in case of problems to replace faulty parts ● LT test takes 3 days Rate of 1 petal / week is a conservative estimate TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 5) PRODUCTION RATE
Assembly set-up : all hardware available, all centers able to run the assembly program (as a result of recent workshop in Karlsruhe) Long Term set-up : Still some read-out modules missing (expected before end of 04). Software available to be adapted for none expert operators Manpower available at all centres : PICsmanpower.pptPICsmanpower.ppt 1 responsible, 2 operators full time, support for hardware and software. Qualification of centres : level of commissioning will be controled before assembly of final petals. In the qualification phase, starting in December 04, assembly and LT exercises will be performed with non qualified modules of early production. 4 centres ready for assembly : Aachen, Karlsruhe, Lyon and Strasbourg 3 centres have experienced petal assembly and cooling : Aachen, Karlsruhe, Lyon TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 5) CENTRES STATUS
1 petal/week/PIC - First sector of 18 petals (existing modules + first Hybrid batch) mid-Apr Start of petal integration May 05 - Ramp-up due to hybrid batch deliveries up to end of July - Petal production TEC+ Nov Petal production TEC- May 06 TEC PETAL INTEGRATION : 5) PRODUCTION SCHEDULE Large number of centres implies weekly control of all the production from modules to petals to properly dispatch parts from centre to centre (present surface transfers of parts managed through efficient DHL-IN2P3 contract).
TEC INTEGRATION : OVERVIEW TEC Structures : - TEC mechanics and alignment (Aachen I) - TEC Services (Karlsruhe, Lyon) TEC Integration : - Before structures ready : Mock-up for preparation of commissioning (DAQ and Slow Sontrol) equipped with first sector (18 petals) (Lyon) - TEC+ structure ready : test of petal insertion, grounding and schielding, and insertion in Tracker tube (Aachen I). Petal integration - TEC- structure ready : cold and system test 1 sector (Lyon). Petal integration starts when TEC+ petals delivered - Back disk + 4 petals test in magnet, (Karlsruhe)
Link : TEC_assembly.doc (Aachen I)TEC_assembly.doc TEC assembly needs a granite table with a hole in the center (measured planarity of Aachen table 7μ). Building the stack : - Each disk equipped with assembly and petal fixation inserts spacer feet mounted on granite table, Disk1 placed on these feet. - - Rods threaded into the feet and distance holders guaranteeing the z-distance between Disks1 and 2 placed on these rods. - Disk2 mounted, procedure repeated till the stack is complete. - Alignment Disk (disk 10) similar to normal disk with spacer profiles glued to ensure rigidity with disk 9 is placed on the TEC stack and the profiles are glued onto Disk9. TEC INTEGRATION : PREPARATION OF STRUCTURE (1)
Adapter plates, onto which SCs will be glued, attached to the U-brackets on the disks. Service Channels prepared : seal with glue all milled edges and glue in the SC inserts (later to hold the TEC outer covers). Mount and glue the SCs onto the adapter plates. Same principle is to attach the 4 inner tube segments to the disks. Structure disassembled : SCs and inner tube segment taken off by unscrewing the adapter plates from the U-brackets on the disks, etc. Service channel filled with optical ribbons in Karlsruhe, during this time the alignment system components will be mounted on disk#6. Structure reassembled : Disk1 on the spacer feet on the granite table; the SCs are mounted on Disk1 and the remaining disks are then screwed onto the SCs via the adapter plates. Bulkhead (holding the cable patch panels) attached to the back end. Cooling pipes and multiservice and control cables mounted on the TEC structure. TEC INTEGRATION : PREPARATION OF STRUCTURE (2)
Link : TEC_Services_Installation.doc TEC_Services_Installation.doc Fibre ribbons : qualification at CERN, continuity test at assembly (Karlsruhe) Pipes : air test at 20b (Lancashire), flow with coolant and pressure N2 at 20b tests (Lyon) Cables : Insulation and continuity test (ADAPT), repeated in Lyon TEC INTEGRATION : PREPARATION OF STRUCTURE (3)
Structure moved from granite table to integration cradle up to Tracker tube insertion TEC INTEGRATION : PREPARATION OF STRUCTURE (4) Alignment system : TEC_alignment.docTEC_alignment.doc
TEC INTEGRATION : STRUCTURE SCHEDULE Link : TEC_assembly.mpp, TEC_assembly htmlTEC_assembly.mppTEC_assembly html Summary : - Pre-assembly of TEC+ (granite table) mid-Dec Pre-assembly of TEC- (granite table) mid-Dec. 04 to mid- Feb. 05 in parallel preparation of TEC+ service channels, pipes + MSC cables, - Assembly TEC+ end of Apr Move TEC+ to cradle photogrammetry and petal insertion test mid-Jun. 05 in parallel TEC- assembly mid-Jul TEC+ integration test in tracker tube mid-June to mid-July 05 - TEC+ ready for petal insertion in Aachen mid-Jul TEC- ready for cold and system test with sector in Lyon mid-July 05 Contingency of 1 month included in schedule
TEC INTEGRATION : PETAL INSERTION AND COMMISSIONING (1) Link : TEC_integration_V3.1.pdfTEC_integration_V3.1.pdf - Reception of the TEC structure in integration cradle : - Check cradle functionality (rotation) - Check mechanics and services - Phototgrammetry measurement in Lyon (room temperature and -20°) - Special petal transport organized by Lyon and Aachen to collect petals - Perform petal reception test (independent of integration) :
TEC INTEGRATION : PETAL INSERTION AND COMMISSIONING (2) - Mechanical insertion of Back petal towers (9 petals on 9 disks) Disks used as a plate for petal insertion, tool design in progress in Aachen - Connection to services, interface to DB - Rotate the TEC in cradle, repeat operations for Front petals
TEC INTEGRATION : PETAL INSERTION AND COMMISSIONING (2) Test sequence : - At the beginning test petal functionality after each insertion - Perform test of read-out loops of a sector (pairs of front and Back petals) commissioning tasks plus pedestals, calibration, cooling measurements - Perform laser and cosmic test for alignment Integration time : 1 week per Tower + 1 week of read-out tests : 1 day per petal Contingency in assembly and test procedure TEC+ petal integration completed : March 06 TEC- petal integration completed : June 06 TEC transport to CERN : contact with Hasenkamp expert firm in transport of precious and fragile objects in controled atmosphere
TEC INTEGRATION : AACHEN CENTRE Team : 4 physicists, 2 engineers, 3 technicians Equipments : Clean room facility existing, available end of 04 Cooling plant 10kW, Dry air Petal storage facility Read-out for petal reception available Read-out for TEC integration mid-05
TEC INTEGRATION : LYON CENTER Team : 3 physicists, 3 engineers, 2 technicians Equipments : - Cold-Dry-Clean room facility 64m2 - 2 kWt cooling plant (1 sector) - Dry air system 25m3/hour - Petal storage rack designed (groups of 5 petals with cold walls for multi-petal test) - Read-out for petal reception available - Read-out for TEC integration : 1 VME 9U, 1 FED 9U, Caen PS system with 3PSUs (1 petal) additional hardware spring-05
TEC MPR SUMMARY (1) TEC petal production - Petal mechanics production not on critical path - First petals will be produced in operational centres for full assembly and LT procedure validation end of the year (9 front (tower) and 1 back petals) - All centres will be qualified by March 05 - Nominal throughput for present schedule is 1 petal per week with an expected contingency to reach Possible increase of assembly throughput with more manpower, alternatives in the procedure to speed-up the petal LT will be investigated Present schedule driven by hybrid and module flow (and repartition of geometries in hybrid batches) All geometries needed at assembly time
TEC MPR SUMMARY (2) TEC Integration - Established working plan and schedule for TEC+ and TEC- mechanics delivery - Established sharing of responsibilities between two integration centres : TEC+ integration in priority while commissioning and system qualification proceed with TEC- - Established (but flexible) procedure for petal integration and test - Magnet test foreseen with 4 petals on back disks
TEC MPR SUMMARY (3) TEC present schedule TEC+ petals integrated March 06 TEC- petals integrated June 06
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