Tuesday February 24 th Lesson 23, Day 2
Objective: To listen and respond appropriately to oral communication. Question of the Day: What objects can you kick and roll? When I give you the signal, turn and talk with your partner using the stem below. I can kick and roll a _________.
Objective: To develop the ability to listen for a purpose Read Aloud Guess What? BBRP: 19
Objective - To read high frequency words. Word Wall: around found opened right because walked those light
Objective: To blend phonemes to say words Phonemic Awareness Phoneme Blending TE: T415
Word Blending r Objective: To build and blend words with /o/ and other known letter-sounds. o e h b r d r s h p m
Reading I am going home at nine. I hope Jane can play. We can jump rope. We rode our bikes to the park on Sunday. Today we can close this door. There is Kate. She is smelling a rose. Those two are my best friends. Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.
Draw Conclusions Sometimes an author won’t give every detail in a story. An author can use clues in the story to help the reader draw conclusions and fill in missing pieces of information. Remember these passages from “The Red and Blue Coat:” “They could both see clearly that the coat was blue on the left and red on the right.” “The two friends stared for a moment and then screamed at him, ‘Trickster!’” Think Aloud Objective: To use drawing conclusions as a tool to improve comprehension.
Look at the picture. What conclusions can you make? What clues helped you? Is it a swimming party or a birthday party, or both? Objective: To use drawing conclusions as a tool to improve comprehension.
Words to Know love city hello loudly brown pulled Objective: To read high-frequency words.
Story Words Africa blew Kofi’s vegetables music fruit Africa Objective: To build schema before reading and allow exposure to story words.
Today you will read a story called “On Saturday,” by Nina Crews The story is a nonfiction story. Authors often use characters to give information in nonfiction stories. Jack is a little boy who meets people in his neighborhood and then participates in some activity. As you read, be looking for ways to complete this chart. Who Jack MetWhat Jack Did Objective: To understand genre: nonfiction; to answer questions to improve comprehension.
Small Groups Let’s Read “On Saturday” When called, go to your first rotation! Group 2 Group 1 Group 3 Objective: To use letter-sound knowledge to read decodable text. To develop fluency.
Who Jack MetWhat Jack Did Now we are ready to complete the chart! Conclusions What can you tell about the people in Jack’s neighborhood? What helped you draw this conclusion? Objective: To answer questions to improve comprehension; To use drawing conclusions as a comprehension tool.
Objective: To develop robust vocabulary by discussing ideas and situations. Robust Vocabulary asserted offended retorted
If you asserted something, you said in a strong way what you believe. asserted The man asserted his belief to his friends.
On my signal turn and talk to your partner to discuss this: You want to make your bedtime 10 minutes later. How would you assert that this is a good idea? I think I should be able to stay up 10 minutes later because ______________________. Objective: To review robust vocabulary through discussing ideas.
offended If you feel offended, you feel hurt or upset by something someone did or said The man was offended by the nasty smell.
Objective: To review robust vocabulary through discussing ideas. In one voice, answer this question with “yes” or “no:” If I gave you a reward for good behavior, would you feel offended?
If you retorted, you answered in an angry way to something someone else said. retorted The man retorted in anger when his friend accused him of playing games.
On my signal, turn and talk with your partner to discuss this: Your friend just said he is going to beat you at your favorite game. How would you retort? Objective: To review robust vocabulary through discussing ideas.
Objective: To compare things using words with –er, -est A ladybug is small, But a flea is smaller. A hill is tall, But a mountain is taller. Rain and snow are cold, But ice is the coldest. And a dinosaur by far is surely the oldest! Find the describing words. Remember that –er compares two things and –est compares more than two things.
Objective: To list topics for a descriptive poem
Objective: To select a topic for a descriptive poem. Let’s use the ideas from yesterday to choose a topic for a descriptive poem. Let’s also start a collection of rhyming words that we could use.