Courseware Integration at Innovative Libraries Denyse Seaman, Baylor University Jennifer Fritz, Dartmouth College John Culshaw, University of Colorado at Boulder Jonathan Jiras, Rochester Institute of Technology Barbara Doll, Saint Francis University Innovative Users Group Meeting May, 2006 – Session H4 Denver, Colorado
Baylor University Courseware: Blackboard 7 Needed a way to integrate BearCat electronic course reserves without having to reauthenticate Libraries tab allows searching of BearCat from within Blackboard Available in every course from within Blackboard
Libraries Tab in Blackboard
Blackboard Course Tools
BearCat Course Reserves
Blackboard Building Block Code available with no guarantees or warranties Teaching/Blackboard/Building%20Blocks/ Library%20Reserves/libraryreservesv21.war
Other Integrations Audio Reserves To Go Ipods Streaming from a QuickTime server Enhanced Syllabus available from Blackboard course EzProxy, BearCat and Blackboard (BU InfoLinks)
Course Reserves—Enhanced Syllabus
Link to Audio Clips
Dartmouth College Courseware: Blackboard Solutions: Refpacks Innovative’s courseware integration product
The old way
Refpacks Refpack modules are the convenient store, not the supermarket Seven major categories Each category has two sections: reference and journal databases Limited resources (with exceptions)
Refpack set-up Blackboard programmers create a module template Bibliographers become module administrators
Module administration
Refpack administration
Editing the Refpack
Preview Refpack
Adding a Refpack
Refpack added
User customization of Refpack
Layout customization
Courseware integration product Catalog search module Patron account module
CIB set-up Numeric IP address of your Blackboard server. Unique patron identifier Millennium patron record and Blackboard user record MUST have a common identifier Innovative provides two building blocks, your Bb admin installs them
CIB search module
Catalog passed through
Patron record pass through
4:30 TODAY! First Looks: Integrating Blackboard with Library Services Gail Bonath - Grinnell College DeeAnn Allison -University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dinah Sanders - Innovative
Sakai John Culshaw University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries
What is Sakai? “Community Source Software” Collaboration and Learning Environment Course Management model Also supports research collaboration
Who is Sakai? Core Schools (Michigan, Indiana, MIT, Stanford) Sakai Educational Partners Program Sakai Commercial Affiliates
Sakai Partners + Innovative Carleton College Dartmouth College Northeastern University Ohio State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Nebraska and more…
What to do with Sakai? Institutions are in a variety of stages of exploration and implementation Lots of pilots in Fall 2005 and Spring 2006 Fullest implementation at core schools Many sites running legacy CMS systems concurrently with Sakai pilot or production services
Sakai at Colorado Pilot in Fall 2005 Campus made decision to continue to monitor Sakai progress but opted to renew commitment to WebCT as primary CMS
Sakaibrary Indiana and Michigan 18-month project to integrate access to library licensed digital content within Sakai
Sakai: What’s Next Many sites monitoring growth of the community and associated applications Opportunities for sites with appropriate resources to help build the Sakai toolset
Rochester Institute of Technology Courseware: Desire2Learn Solution – Library Resources Link Server Similar in concept to an OpenURL Link Server Modular, ColdFusion application Uses III Oracle Interface Integrates library resources, contact information, and course reserves. Resources are specific to the course, program, and/or academic department. Available by default in every course and from every screen within Desire2Learn
Library Website Library Resources Link Server Desire2Learn CMS III ILS
Course Number Role Desire2Learn CMS III ILS Library Website Library Resources Link Server
Course Number III Oracle Interface Desire2Learn CMS III ILS Library Website Role Library Resources Link Server
Course Number III Oracle Interface Dynamically Generated Webpage Desire2Learn CMS III ILS Library Website Role Library Resources Link Server
Desire2Learn CMS III ILS Course Number III Oracle Interface Links to Reserves Dynamically Generated Webpage Links to Resources Library Website Role Library Resources Link Server
Rochester Institute of Technology
Additional Tabs
Enhancements Use ERM Resource Records. Special Resources for Graduate Students. Integrate with other courseware systems. Promote it as a service for professor authored course pages independent of the campus courseware application. Make it a database driven application.
Rochester Institute of Technology More information: Flash video summary (6 minutes) PDF handout Screen shots Live URLs Sample code Web accessible recorded presentations
Saint Francis University Pasquerilla Library
The Instructional Technology Specialist works closely with the library staff. A link to the library is provided on the main WebCT screen as an aid to patrons. WebCT – Courseware used at Saint Francis University
When requested by instructors, a page is created that is linked from the course page within WebCT. Display of a Course to Saint Francis University Students
The Library Page specifically created for use in WebCT courses
What’s on the page? Link to Library web OPAC Link to course reserves for the course 39 Link to discipline specific subject guides Feed of library blog Contact information of various library departments
Newer pages have more links – we are still promoting the idea
Link takes user to the reserve materials for this course
Questions for anyone on the panel Denyse Seaman, Baylor University Jennifer Fritz, Dartmouth College Jonathan Jiras, Rochester Institute of Technology John Culshaw, University of Colorado at Boulder Barbara Doll, Saint Francis University
Thank you!!!