DISTRICT IMPROVEMENT PLAN Culture and Climate Domain Annual Progress Report Lakewood School District # 306
Evaluation of Progress Progress on Activities and Tasks 4 Excellent Accomplishment 3 Adequate Accomplishment 2 Marginal Accomplishment 1 No Action to Date Actions taken were significant and should be sustained Action has been taken, but needs greater depth or more resources in order for it to be sustained and on- going Action is just beginning to be implemented or not a focus at this time Action not taken this year
Summary of Progress – June 2012
Summary of Progress – June 2013
Objective 1 – Strategy 1 Lakewood School District staff members are recognized for their diverse contributions to the school community Activities and TaskYear 3Comments District and schools recognize staff formally and informally Acknowledgement at staff meetings Peak Performers and other recognition at board meetings Recognition of staff at assemblies/ announcements/ Between Us District website announcements and articles Develop additional ways to recognize staff in each building. Share at school board meetings June publication of Lakeviews highlighting accomplishments Contributions to the LHS Community Awards Presentations by both staff and students at board meetings Conduct surveys of students, staff and families regarding culture and climate Parent and Community Survey conducted Initial results shared with building principals and in progress of summarizing data = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Objective 2 – Strategy 1 Schools and the district will utilize the latest technology to provide students, staff, parents and the community with relevant school and student information and notification of events. Activities and TaskYear 3Comments Expand use of Family Access to provide student information to parents Secondary expansion includes “Activities “and “Graduation Requirements” feature Improve and expand the quality of district, school and classroom websites Upgraded to Centricity 2 – Schoolwires software Website now friendly for ‘mobile devices’ Utilized website for multiple surveys – staff and families Calendars offer RSS Feeds and export features Implement online discipline system using Family Access Online discipline system use continued at secondary schools Utilize automated messaging service to notify families Emergency Response Communication Drill utilized School Messenger to notify parents before, during, and after drill (Many, many, more…) = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Objective 2 – Strategy 1 (cont.) Schools and the district will utilize the latest technology to provide students, staff, parents and the community with relevant school and student information and notification of events. Activities and TaskYear 3Comments Continue and expand annual district Technology Expo Held in conjunction with District Open House; had record attendance Evaluate effectiveness of communications through technology with community member. Doughnuts with Dennis Parent and Community Survey providing information for evaluation Explore and expand volunteer opportunities Watch D.O.G.S. at LES Senior projects Connecting with our “senior” community Enhance relationships with the Navy, Tribal and local business partners Camp Fire After School Program to begin in Partnership with Snohomish County Sheriff – presence at all schools and emergency management Tribal parents began Parent Advisory Council at LHS ELL Parent Nights and Advisory Council – largest turnout ever = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Objective 3 – Strategy 1 Lakewood School District staff will provide opportunities for students to work in partnership with their peers and make connections within the community. Student development of self-esteem and self-worth facilitate student responsibility and enhance success. Activities and TaskYear 3Comments Continue LINK Crew (Cougar Crew) and WEB programs Continued start up days for 6 th & 9 th grade students Research, develop and implement a bullying prevention program Continued focus on anti-bullying/harassment at all schools Implemented Internet safety lessons at all grades Encourage students to participate in co-curricular, community service, leadership and academic activities Students at LHS earn varsity letters for community service Robotics Club at LHS, Video Production class “WE Day” Administer Healthy Youth Survey and develop interventions determined from the survey results. Administered at grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 in October Survey students regarding their interactions with adults at school and address areas needing improvement Three year athletic survey PILOT – 8 th Grade Technology Literacy Survey = Year the activity or task is scheduled to occur
Major Accomplishments in Safety of students “Number One’ Partnership with Snohomish County Agencies (Health, Emergency Preparedness/Response, Communication & Systems Students Leading The Way - “Giving Back to our Community” -LHS: WE DAY, Music/Drama Programs, Robotics & Video Production, Senior Projects, Athletes & ASB -LMS: Father’s Breakfast (150 attendees), Mother’s Day Luncheon (265 attendees), 6 th GD Parent Night/Spaghetti feed -Elementary: Watch DOGS, PTSAs, Family Movie Nights, Citizenship expectations/recognition, Activities & Experiences for students that expand their “world” Building a Technology Savvy Culture
Focus for Develop district-wide understanding of “Cultural Competence” Continue efforts to expand and improve student/staff and parent communication/information systems. Safety Information Systems & Partnerships