2 Background Lake County –24 x 20 mi area –Population 690,000 –52 municipalities Congestion –No freeways –Limited 4-lane arterials –Transportation controversies
3 PASSAGE Goals: Countywide 1.Improved signal system coordination 2.Enhanced real time traffic monitoring 3. Improved incident/event management
4 Benefits Time savings to motorists from… 1.Improved signal system coordination… “Get more greens” 2.Better real time traffic monitoring… “Drivers have better information” 3.Improved event management… “Someone takes corrective action”
5 Two Opportunity Factors Lake County’s good fortune: 1.Institutional Arrangements 2.Funding
6 Institutional Arrangements Measured by number of signals: 435 IDOT 144 County 82 Municipal (12 of 52) 661 signals total
7 Institutional Arrangements Existing and proposed signals: LDOT –Econolite 144 IDOT –Econolite 186 –Eagle 96 –Unknown or Proposed 153 Local Municipalities –Econolite 51 –Eagle 15 –Other signals total
8 Institutional Arrangements Two major players –IDOT –County Only 12 supplemental players
9 Funding Phase 1A cost = $6.3 million –42% federal ITS earmarks –16% special federal earmark –42% county local match In-kind state assistance – IDOT – ISTHA – GCM Corridor
10 What is in Lake County PASSAGE? i.e. What Intelligent Transportation System Technologies are being used?
11 ITS Technologies Briefly, Phase 1A includes…
12 ITS Technologies 1 Fiber optic network 2 Connect traffic signals 3 Install TSS 4 Initiate HAR 5 CAD 6 Video camera 7 GCM link 8 DMS 9 ATMS 10 Event management 11 Congestion management 12 Traveler info 13 Maintenance management
13 1. Fiber Optic Network Start fiber backbone network (79 miles) –Gigabit Ethernet –Mesh topology Redundant paths Fault tolerant –Fill in existing gaps (14 mi new)
14 2. Traffic Signals in Phase 1A On the backbone: 95 IDOT 44 County 6 Municipal 145 Total Others remain dedicated or dialup Normal project network expansion
15 4. Initiate Highway Advisory Radio 3 sites to start I-94 focus (at interchanges) Synchronized Automated message generation Text-to-speech conversion HAR signs AM
16 4. Initiate Highway Advisory Radio
17 5. Initial CAD interface Sheriff Computer Aided Dispatch system –911 cellular calls Filters applied
18 5. Initial CAD interface
19 6. Expanded Video Camera Use Incorporating 27 PTZs on backbone Adding 5 new PTZs Others remain dialup Normal project video expansion
20 7. Initiate Dynamic Message Signs 3-Portable, side road mounted Use for some incidents Automated message generation
21 8. Initial GCM link Gary-Chicago- Milwaukee Gateway –Regional link –Via IDOT fibers along Tollway –IDOT Offices
22 9. Advanced Transportation Management System ATMS = central software brains Makes everything work together
23 –Integrated congestion management –Operator interface –GIS integration –Failure management –Maintenance management –Signal internal paging (staff) –Integrated incident management –Web page broadcast Arterials + Tollway 9. ATMS
24 Map-based Operations Monitor real-time traffic conditions from the map Light, medium, heavy or alarm heavy traffic Display traffic signal system and ITS devices with active status Dynamic layering Click on icon to control field devices 9. ATMS
25 9. ATMS Field Device Control Signal system interface CCTV control HAR DMS Monitor RWIS
Event Management Incidents Planned lane closures Unplanned lane closures Special events Weather events
Congestion Management Real-time –Signal timing changes –Real-time traveler information (DMS and HAR) Advanced congestion management –Support for timing optimization Data collection and interface to Synchro capacity software –Support capacity analysis
Maintenance Management View and log signal system failures View and log ITS device failures Provide logging of maintenance activities –Track open maintenance items Page maintenance personnel
Traveler Information Provide for real-time web map display Include incidents and planned events Provide interface to the GCM gateway –Traffic data –Event details –Eventually signal coordination
30 ITS Technologies All housed in Traffic Management Center (TMC) in Libertyville: –Building addition One story, 4400 sq ft Houses traffic section
31 TMC Facility
32 TMC Staffing Phase 1A –2 TMC operators –5:30 am – 8:00 pm coverage –Hands on peak periods Monday thru Friday Actively monitor traffic conditions and status –6:30 - 9:00 am –3:00 - 6:30 pm –IDOT Office Space
33 ITS Technologies Caveats Phase 1A still under development- 80% paid out –Phase 1A coverage Not the whole county Not equivalent coverage areas Other Phases to follow
34 Thanks to… County Engineer –Martin Buehler P.E. Consultant –NET… Joseph Brahm, P.E. IDOT ISTHA Federal Reps and FHWA
35 Questions?
36 Direct Fiber Communication Equipment used
37 Direct Fiber Communication Equipment used
38 The Name… Lake County PASSAGE Program for Arterial Signal Synchronization and TrAvel GuidancE Implementation Phasing Plan (IPP) completed Phase 1A underway
39 Lake County Board Strategic Plan “Enhance the development and expansion of an efficient and effective transportation system…” …….Also a Federal initiative
40 Consequences of No Action Loss of opportunity to provide yearly time benefits to motorists through: –Improved signal system coordination: $12.3million/year –Better real time traffic monitoring: $ 4.7million/year –Improved event management: $ + million/year $17 million/year
41 1. Fiber Optic Network Phase 1 (A&B) Deployment $1 million investment in fiber infrastructure $1 million investment in electronics Mesh topology – 4 redundant paths and spurs
Event Management ATMS will support three methods of generating a response plan: 1.System-generated 2.Select from a plan library 3.User-generated ATMS Response Plan Freeway CMS Operator Actions HAR (notepad) HAR Operator Actions DMS Event Details Freeway CMS ATIS Advisories Traffic Signal
43 TMC Facility
44 Benefits – Lake County Passage Time savings to motorists from… Improved signal system coordination… …”get more greens” Better real-time traffic monitoring…... “drivers have better information” Improved event management… … “someone takes corrective action”