WILLIAM CHASTEEN’S SWIMMING USING ALL OF YOUR BODY’S SYSTEMS This is my symbolic representation, a professional swimmer gliding underwater using all of his body systems
MUSCULAR Your Muscular system is very important when you are swimming. You mostly use muscles in your arms and legs but you actually use muscles all over your body. Some of the major muscles in your arms are your biceps and triceps to help move you forward. some of the major muscles in your legs are your hamstrings and your quadriceps used for kicking.
SKELETAL Your skeletal system is a framework for your muscles as you are swimming. When you start off from the block your skeletal muscles contract to push you off and then lengthen as you go into the water. If you hit your head on the side of the pool your skull protects your brain and your arm bones and leg bones like the humerus and femur attach to your muscles and help them move. Muscles attach to the skeletal system through ligaments and tendons. Bones protect and support.
DIGESTIVE When you are swimming you want to eat certain foods before meets. This Includes carbohydrates but too many can make you sluggish. A nice meal consisting of lean protein, vegetables, fruit and dairy is the best food for meets. Participating in this activity helps with digestion and makes you hungry sooner.
IMMUNE When you are sick it is almost impossible to swim and do many other sports well. Doing sports helps you to stay healthy and even makes your immune system stronger. There are bacteria and viruses everywhere but with a strong immune system you can fight those off. To help your immune system you can eat well, get sleep and do sports for good exercise. When you are nice and healthy doing this activity you could end up being as good as Michael Phelps if you practice as much as he does.
CIRCULATORY When you swim or do other sports your hearts pumps blood faster then it does when you just sit on the couch. Your heart allows blood to go to the parts of your body being used when you swim. The circulatory system takes oxygen that comes in from your lungs and circulates that oxygen to the rest of your body. You need more oxygen when you are doing physical activity like swimming or other sports.
NERVOUS The nervous system is divided into the central nervous system which is your brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system which is the nerves all over the rest of your body. You use both your central nervous system and your peripheral nervous system when you swim. This helps you to coordinate your muscles, helps you to breath and helps your heart to beat. This also helps you to feel pain when you’re hurt or when your body is too tired to go any further. Without the nervous system you wouldn’t be able to see, hear, feel the water, swim or celebrate your victory.
RESPIRATORY The respiratory system includes your lungs, your nose, mouth and trachea. The faster you swim, the more oxygen you use so the more you need to breath. This means you need to breath more frequently while swimming and you need to control your breathing so you don’t breath in water. The respiratory system allows you to take in oxygen and then the circulatory system takes that oxygen and gives it to the body cells for you to use.