Coordinators: Papathanasiou Costas Alena Mayeva Games in Homer time Athletes at the Gymnasium
PE teacher Socrates team players Platos team players Aristotles team players Democritus team players Feninda The colours represent the following
The players stand in a circle. The teacher is in the middle of the circle and holds the ball in his hands.He throws the ball high, calling at the same time the name of the team e.g. Aristotle, and runs out of the circle. The players run to catch the ball before its falling on the ground. The player who catches the ball stays in the circle while the others go back to their positions Aristotle!!
The player of the Aristotle team who is in the circle center throws the ball high, calling at the same time the name of another team e.g. Socrates.The Socrates team players run to catch the ball. The one who catces it goes into the center and the others return to their positions. Socrates!!
The Socrates team player throws the ball high calling the name of Democritus team for example and goes back to the circle. The Democritus team players run to catch the ball. If they dont manage to catch it and falls down they come out of the game Democritus!
The teacher comes in to circle center and gets the ball from the ground
He throws the ball high calling the Plato team. The Platos team players run to catch the ball. The player who catches it stays in the center and the others go back to their positions. Plato!!
The Platos team player throws the ball high, calling the name of the Aristotle team. The players of this team run to catch the ball. If they dont catch it and the ball falls down they dont have the right to go on. Aristotle!! Aristotle!!
The teacher comes back in to the circle, gets the ball from the ground, he throws it high calling the name of the Socrates team. Socrates !!
The players of the Socrates team run to catch the ball. They dont manage to catch it so they have to leave the game. So the winner team is Plato team
The winners
Notices The game is played in a 3 meter beam circle. The ball has to be thrown above 4 meters high. The players of the losing team have to sit outside the circle on the ground The calling of the team names is in random.