Body Language: Ownership Gesture. Enjoy time Short film Short film.


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Presentation transcript:

Body Language: Ownership Gesture

Enjoy time Short film Short film

What do you think of the film? What do you think of the film? It is __________________ It is __________________ What is this actor ’ s name? What is this actor ’ s name? ___________________ ___________________ What kind of language the actor used? What kind of language the actor used? Verbal( spoken language and written language) or Verbal( spoken language and written language) or non-verbal non-verbal Are you good at reading body language? Are you good at reading body language? Charles Chaplin Charles Chaplin (body language)

Chaplin is one of the most famous comedian ( 喜剧演 员 ) in the world Chaplin is one of the most famous comedian ( 喜剧演 员 ) in the world Chaplin ’ s earliest film is silent Chaplin ’ s earliest film is silent He used his body to express his thoughts He used his body to express his thoughts

angry happy Facial expression

posture Shaking hands Welcome or goodbye

Waving hands Waving hands In china, it usual means goodbye

Sitting, legs apart Open, relax Different body languages have different meanings

Thumb up Number one good great

ok money rude zero the same body language in different circumstance has the different meaning.

Different body language has the different meaning The same body language has different meaning in the different circumstance

What kind of posture dose the man in the picture take? What kind of posture dose the man in the picture take? Leg cross Leg cross Leg apart Leg apart Leg-over-chair Leg-over-chair

What information does the picture reflect? What information does the picture reflect? The position of the man in the picture reflects The position of the man in the picture reflects an ________, ______ and ______ attitude. an ________, ______ and ______ attitude. easygoing relaxed carefree On P191 para.2 line 2

If circumstances changed If he is in the office If he is a boss If he is talking with his employee The circumstance has changed

under these circumstances the boss ’ s attitude has changed to under these circumstances the boss ’ s attitude has changed to What will the boss do to let the employee finish the conversation? What will the boss do to let the employee finish the conversation? Lack of concern or indifference

The leg-over-chair gesture Between the two close friends Between the boss and employee Their feelings or attitude Their behavior laughing and want to terminate the conversation by … happy, relaxed lack of concern or indifference joking On P191, para.3 line12 On P191 para.3 line2 On P192 line 3

Let ’ s guess what dose he wants to tell us Let ’ s guess what dose he wants to tell us

relaxed brow You eat a very hot lobster clapping hands You are very nervous You met a friend who you haven't Seen for a long time

Hand to cheek You are so exciting After having lunch, you feel full Biting nails You get home, feel hungry, and find nothing in the fridge

arms crossed on chest Open palm You feel sad You are in a strange city, and lose your way to the hotel you are the winner in the competition

You are crying Shaking hands The temperature is 5 centigrade, but you just ware a T-shirt Tap fingers Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched( 耸 ).

Home work Write a 100 words composition situation 1: During the negotiation, what kind of gesture is polite? (using the expressions we have learned today) Write a 100 words composition situation 1: During the negotiation, what kind of gesture is polite? (using the expressions we have learned today) situation 2:If you find your boss ’ s gesture is carefree when you are talking with your boss, what will you do? situation 2:If you find your boss ’ s gesture is carefree when you are talking with your boss, what will you do?

I like leg- over-chair I feel so comfortable! easygoing relax carefree happy