Typical houses from Alentejo
The typical house from Alentejo is a house with only one storey and a blue or yellow line at the bottom.The typical house from Alentejo has a soft temperature all year long. Usually it has a fireplace. One of the typical houses from Alentejo are called montes and they are small farm houses isolated in the countryside. RynuX Pirralha SN Verdocas
The typical houses from Aveiro are typical constructions from this area. Today they represent a true colored postcard for those who want to know this area.
The 1st one that appeared was built by the sea and was used to keep the fishing nets. At first they had only one room but with time they got bigger. In the begining of the 19th century the fishermen villages became as famous as the beach
Typical houses from Madeira The houses are covered with a thatched roof and it stand on structures of wood, also known as palhaças. The adoption of this material has to due with the fact that, in the region, there is little stone. These homes are cool in summer and warm in winter.
Néné Atram Roscas Xana
Typical houses from the North of Portugal The typical and traditional houses from the North of Portugal are in granite with thatched roofs and with only floor. Nowadays thatched roofs are replaced by tiled roofs,but they are still typical.