Time Summary / Outlook Day :Monday 8:30 am England has heavy showers and Wales is going to have heavy fog all day. Scotland has heavy snow and Swansea will have strong winds.
Time Summary / Outlook Day :Tuesday 10:30AM Scotland has light showers. Wales is having thunder and lightning all night but England is dry but cloudy.
Time Summary / Outlook Day :Wednesday 2:50PM Republic of Ireland has heavy rain whilst the rest of the UK is having a heat wave. It is going to be hot – so get your sun cream.
Time Summary / Outlook Day :Thursday 7:00AM The Gower in South Wales is – 8 0 with snow. There is nearly 15 feet of snow so no school until all the snow has gone!!!!!!! The rest of the country will have rain.
Time: Day : Summary/Outlook Friday 4:15PM Very windy for Swansea but hot with 22 0 C - you can still burn. Scotland will have sun and rain. In Ireland it will be cloudy with some sun but it could rain!
Day : Time: Summary/Outlook Day : Saturday England has been frozen by Jack Frost and it won't defrost until the warm weather comes back to England. Wales will have some rain and sun. Scotland will have some sun, cloud and snow! Ireland will have clouds.
Day : Time: Summary/Outlook Day : Sunday12:10PM A dry and clear morning with sun in South and East Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland