TWO religious pilgrimages
« Notre Dame de Tout Pouvoir » « Our Lady of All Powers » It takes place in Langogne on the Sunday following Pentecost. The Christians from the surrounding areas gather around their priests and the Bishop to celebrate mass outside the church in « The Monks Square ». The pilgrims walk around the old part of the town singing hymns. Our Lady of all Powers dates back to XI th century. A lot of people write « to her » about griefs and joys…
The pilgrimage to Saint Méens Fountain The chapel The fountain
On 21 June the pilgrims go to Saint Méens tiny chapel situated along a narrow road not far from Langogne. Saint Méen was a Welsh Saint. He is said to have made water spring from a source and heal scabies. The pilgrims do an offering and ask for a favour. They tie handkerchieves round wire. The cult of fountains dates back to ancient times. The Druids used to revere them.