The window into technology By: Amanda Pugliese
Laptops, desktops and personal digital assistant (P.D.A.), are modern technologies that first appeared as luxuries but have developed into necessities. Nowadays almost everyone has a desktop, laptop or P.D.A. ; they are seen in schools, businesses, offices and homes. These technological advances help people to research as well as communicate throughout their busy day. Twenty years ago the thought of a computer allowing people to communicate would sound ridiculous. Twenty years ago the though of someone carrying a person digital assistant the size of his palm sounded impossible. But the pioneers of technology have made this a reality.
Go back 50 years ago and you won’t see any hi-tech computers. There won’t be any 3 pound laptops and there definitely won’t be any palm sized personal digital assistance, or “P.D.A.s” When the first computer was introduced it was a large chunk of metal and plastic. It did not have internet access or graphics. Just like the computer, the laptops were larger, slower and not very colorful. The first laptop was used by NASA to go into space. The original P.D.A. was used strictly for a personal organizer. It helped businessmen keep tabs on all their appointments.
The first successful laptop was created 1979 by William Moggridge for the Grid Systems Corporation. But this was used by Nasa in space and many don’t believe it to be an actual laptop. In May of 1983 Manny Fernandez created his version of the laptop. The main purpose of the laptop was not to send it into space but for executives that are always on the go. This new computer could rest on the lap of the busy executive while he sits on the train, on the couch or even on the plane. Now executives can leave the office without leaving their work behind. This was called the Gallivan Computer and many considered it to be the first successful laptop. In addition to Fernandez’s computer, Bill Gates and Kazuhiko Nishi were coming up with the idea for a portable computer. After creating the “new computer” they presented it to Radio Shack who later produced the flat, four pound, portable computer.
Laptops have come a long way since they were first invented. Laptops are now as light as three pounds. In the future they will continue to become lighter and more color will be added to the outside cover. The graphics will be better and the speakers will have better volume. There are even talks of laptops being smaller than a regular laptop but larger than a P.D.A.
Pros Has the same capabilities as a desktop but is smaller It doesn’t weigh a lot It allows businessmen and women to be away from the office but still be working No wires Wireles internet Easy transport a laptop from place to place Cons Runs on a battery The battery tends to overheat. Expensive Does not have as much memory as a desktop Damaged easily due to transporting
P.D.A.s are also very popular, especially among executives who are always traveling but cannot carry a laptop with them. Once again, Apple was right in the mix of technology. In 1993 Apple created the first P.D.A. called the Newton. John Scully, chairman of Apple, come up with the Name P.D.A. The initials P.D.A. come from the name “personal digital assistant”. At the time, P.D.A.s could not do as much as the producers wanted but they had planned that in the years to come it would be able to do tasks such as hold telephone numbers, keep notes, plan a calendar. Years after the Newton came the PalmPilot. It helped people stay organized as well as up to date with their personal and business lives.
Even though P.D.A.s started out small and the size of a persons palm the size will continue to become smaller. New P.D.A.s will have a GPS system, mp3 player. They will also be able to locate the nearest restaurants as well as allow you to scan the menu.
Why you should get one Easily transported because of size Stores information such as contacts and phone numbers Why you shouldn’t get one The screen and keyboard may be too small for some people Runs on battery Easier to travel with than a laptop
Desktops have been around longer than laptops and P.D.A.s. Desktops first came out in the 1970s and the1980s. When they were first invented they looked nothing like they look now. They were large chunky pieces of metal and plastic and were definitely not as fast as they are now. Again, Apple was among the first to come out with a sufficient computer, called the Apple II. This came out in 1977 and has been evolving ever since then.
The computers of the future are completely different from the computers we use today. With the help of bluetooth technology the computer will be the size of a pen with two holes on either sides. Through the holes will come a hologram-like kepyboard and what would appear on the monitor.
I would buy one A lot of memory Internet option Large screen Warranty I wouldn’t buy one Large and take up a lot of space Expensive Are capable of getting viruses Need to be upgraded frequently
Everyone, even your 75 year old neighbor knows how to use some form of technology, whether it’s something as simple as a phone or as new and complex as a P.D.A. But because of the obsession with modern technology many people are spending more time working. Family vacations or parties can be spent ing the office from a P.D.A. Kids are spending more time staying home and playing computer games rather than playing kickball outside.
Our society is based on technology. Nowadays it is normal to see a 12 year old walking down the street with a cell phone in one hand. Kids even know how to use a computer better than their parents. Most children know how to use a search engine and create and type new documents on the computer. It seems children are born with a natural instinct about technology.
In the future everything will be based on technology. Technology is the foundation for societies now, allowing the sending s, researching, typing and communicating. At the rate society is going now, everything will be technologically advanced, people will always be in-touch with one anther and become dependant on computer.