Scientists Work Together Lesson 5
Why is it important for scientists to work together? All scientists bring their own ideas to the group. The more ideas or more questions, the better the science experiment will be. We learn from each other.
Let’s work together as we discuss how to compare.
Compare: How objects are the same and different
With a partner write in your science notebook how the apple and the orange are the same or similar.
Check your answers. How are the apple and the orange the same or similar? It is round. It is a fruit. It can be eaten. It is sweet. It is round. It is a fruit. It can be eaten. It is sweet.
Did you and your partner come up with different answers? When you work together you can come up with more ideas than if you were working by yourself.
Now with your partner write down in your science notebook how the apple and orange are different or not the same.
Check your answers. How are the apple and the orange different or not the same? *It is red. *It is white on the inside. *It has a little juice inside. *It is orange. *It is orange on the inside. *It has a lot of juice inside.
Did you and your partner come up with different answers? When you work together you can come up with more ideas than if you were working by yourself.
Now let’s talk about sorting. Sort: Arrange by categories
When you sort things you put them in groups that are similar. Let’s look at the shapes above. How could we sort them into similar groups?
We could sort them into stars and hearts. StarsHearts
Now work with a partner and sort these shapes into your science notebook. The answer will not be as easy as the last example.
Hint: Compare the shapes. Look to see you how the shapes are similar or different.
Check your answers. How did you sort the shapes? Shapes that Shapes that are are roundnot round
Now let’s learn about predicting. Predict: A statement made about the future.
Let’s watch the beginning of a science experiment and we can predict what will happen to the ping pong ball. v=WBNNfKT6Kk0
Let’s make a prediction! Do you think the ball will go to – the top of the water? – the middle of the water? – the bottom of the water?
Let’s chart our predictions Chart: Using a graph to show information
Let’s chart our predictions Top of the water Middle of the water Bottom of the water
Using a chart is a way to record data. Record Data: Write down what happens.
Now let’s watch the scientist test our predictions. In your science notebook record the results. WBNNfKT6Kk0
Were you right? Scientists predictions are not always correct. But making predictions help us grow as scientists.
Now let’s finish watching the experiment. In your science notebook write down what you observe. Describe what you see happening. Record data from the experiment. v=WBNNfKT6Kk0
Let’s review what you observed. Let’s review how you recorded data from the experiment.
Share what you wrote in your science notebook with someone else. How were your observations similar and how were they different? All scientist look at results differently. We gain insight when we work with others.
Today we were scientists! We compared, sorted, predicted, charted, tested, observed, described and recorded data.
We also worked together! We learn a lot when we work together!
Next lesson we will learn about forces of motion.
Keep observing the world around you!