ELN230 – Bazlur slide 1 ELN230 Lecture – 02a PC History
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 2 Evolution of Computers 1.Mechanical Calculators 2.Mechanical Computers 3.Electronic Computers – Tubes – Transistors – ICs
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 3 Mechanical Calculator John Napier created “Napiers Bones” for calculating, similar to abacus Blaise Pascal introduced Pascaline digital adding machine. –Could add numbers entered on dials Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented a calculator capable of adding and multiplying. –It was built in Charles Xavier Thomas developed first successful mechanical calculator. –capable of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 4 Mechanical Computers Charles Babbage (father of computers) invents the Difference Engine. –Solved polynomial equations. –Steam-powered and capable of printing results Charles Babbage designed a general- purpose, program-controlled, automatic mechanical computer. –Called the Analytical Engine. –Capable of working on 50 digit numbers with a storage capacity of 1, digit numbers. –Considered first true general purpose computer. –Would have included: Input device, Control unit, Processor, Storage, Output device –Never built because intricate gear and mechanisms could not be built.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 5 Before Electronic Computers Punch cards developed by Herman Hollerith for input and storage. –Herman later founded Tabulating Machine Company, also known as IBM Deforest invents a vacuum tube that later serves as one of the first types of electronic switches in a computer circuit Iowa State College professor invents the base-two (binary) numbers instead of the traditional base ten. –bits : Short for “Binary Digits”
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 6 Electronic Computers First digital computer created by a physicist, John V. Atanasoff using vacuum tubes (patented in 1906) as switches John Von Neumann demonstrated that computers did not needed to be rewired to enter a new program. –Stored-program technique became fundamental for future generations of high-speed digital computers.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 7 First large scale electronic computer 1946 –First large scale electronic computer built for the military. –ENIAC, Electrical Numerical Integrator and Calculator Operated on 10 digit numbers, could multiply two such numbers 300 times a second by finding the value of the product from a multiplication table stored in memory. Used 18,000 tubes, needed 1,800 square feet of space, consumed 180,000 watts of power. Punch cards used for input and output. Registers used for adders and quick-access storage. Programs were entered into ENIAC by rewiring it.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 8 Transistorised Computers 1947 –First transistors developed. –The invention of the transistor that lead revolution to the miniaturization of circuitry. –EDVAC and UNIVAC computers appeared. They did not need to be rewired for new programs (Stored Program Computer). Used RAM.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 9 Integrated circuit Computers 1959 –Integrated circuit developed. –Texas Instruments invented the IC (Integrated Circuit) –Third generation computers were born.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 10 First microprocessor –First microprocessor. –4-bit Intel 4004 –Smaller than a thumbnail, with 2300 transistors on board. –As powerful as the first electronic computer, ENIAC and cost $200.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 11 First personal computer 1975 –First personal computer sold, Altair. –Used CP/M (Control Program for Microprocessors) and BASIC language. –MITS introduced the “Altair” featuring an 8080 processor and 256 Bytes of memory for $ IBM introduced the”Model 5100” with 16 Kilobytes of memory for $9,000.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 12 Apple Computers 1976 Apple introduced the “Apple-I” for $666. In the 1980’s, Apple was the primary dominating force behind PCs.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 13 IBM started developing personal computers End of 1980 –IBM started developing personal computers. –Contracted out operating system and software development to a small company, Microsoft. –Digital Research was originally contacted to write the OS (Operating System) but refused to proceed. –Microsoft eagerly took up the task.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 14 The IBM Personal Computer Wednesday, August 12th, 1981, IBM changed the face of computing by releasing the “IBM PC”
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 15 What is a PC? “IBM Compatible” or “Clone” Who controls Hardware and Software? Microsoft was free to sell their OS (DOS) to anyone, making IBM clones seemingly identical to their competition
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 16 IBM compatibles Now –IBM compatibles made and improved by hundreds of companies. –Apple Macintosh is a closed system and they control the primary system software.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 17 Who is the leader in PC? Intel is the leader in PC processors Intel develops chipsets to support their processors Intel develops new expansion buses such as PCI and AGP Intel makes motherboards for leading vendors such as Dell and Gateway
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 18 System Types 8 Bit 16 Bit 32 Bit 64 Bit PC/XT systems AT systems ATX systems
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 19 System Types PC - Personal Computer XT systems - Extended Systems (PC + HD) AT systems - Advanced Technology 16 bits Shape, layout, Power supply brought different Form Factors: PC/XT, AT, AT/Desk, AT/Tower, Baby-AT, LPX, ATX, NLX, SFX, ATX Auxiliary, ATX12V, ATX Optional, Dell Proprietary ATX
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 20 Growth Each new chip contains roughly twice as much capacity as its predecessor, and each new chip is released with months. Computing power is rising exponentially over a brief period of time.
ELN230 – Bazlur slide 21 Growth