Genetically modified food! Apple with calcium By: Loralei Carroll
Calcium in an Apple! Some people are very allergic to dairy. The people that are allergic to dairy can’t get the amounts of calcium that they need in order to have good bone mass and there bones won’t be as strong as peoples who have been drinking/eating dairy their entire lifetime. Dairy helps people maintain the right amount of calcium, so its very important that still get that correct amount of dairy in their everyday life. If I put the calcium into the apple then more people that have lactose allergies can still get the right amount of calcium!
Apples! Most people like apples enough to eat them daily. Enough apples are produced each day/year. Several different places around the world grow apples that are varieties of colors. Almost all apple producers sell them in a store if they have a very large apple orchard.
Adding Calcium into Apples! The cow produces the milk and the milk contains the calcium. To transfer the calcium into the apple you would have to take a cow that has a very high calcium rate and find the code that codes for a high calcium rate in the milk and then put that code into the apples DNA in order for the apple to have a calcium rate like the milk/dairy would.
Society impact The society would have a fairly big impact on how this will affect the world. If many people that allergic to dairy then this will have a very good effect on the country. If not many people are allergic to dairy then the impact will be different. With their genetically modified food will just depend on where you live and the people that live around you, but this should help the society!
Crossbreeding? With this case of genetically modifying calcium into an apple isn’t possible through crossbreeding.
Negative affects! :( ●Not many people are allergic to Dairy in an area ●People don’t like the tastes of apples ●Weird looking apples ●The apple with calcium in it would have a weird look ●People wouldn’t buy enough which would stop production
References Miss Hanlin
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