Professional Development through the Authentic Academic Achievement Project
Context Characteristics
Learning Communities “Inquiry helps them to overcome chasms caused by various specializations of grade level and subject matter. Inquiry forces debate among teachers about what is important. Inquiry promotes understanding and appreciation for the work of others” Sergiovanni, T.J., Building community in schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1994, p. 154.
Attributes of Professional Learning Communities the collegial and facilitative participation of the principal, who shares leadership - and thus, power and authority - through inviting staff input in decision making a shared vision that is developed from staff's unswerving commitment to students' learning and that is consistently articulated and referenced for the staff's work collective learning among staff and application of that learning to solutions that address students' needs the visitation and review of each teacher's classroom behavior by peers as a feedback and assistance activity to support individual and community improvement physical conditions and human capacities that support such an operation
Authentic Academic Achievement Construction of Knowledge producing meaning from prior experiences Disciplined Inquiry cognitive work for in-depth understanding Value Beyond School meaning apart from documenting competence Newmann, Secada, and Wehlage, “A Guide to Authentic Instruction and Assessment”, 1995
Process Variables
Data Driven The Steps of Curriculum Mapping –Collecting the Data –The First Read-Through –Mixed Group Review –Large Group Review –Immediate Revision Decisions –Long-Term Research and Development Jacobs, “Mapping the Big Picture”, 1997
Mapping Categories Align to AAA Essential Questions Assessment Tasks Key Concepts Instructional Resources
Electronic curriculum mapping promotes a smooth transition for students Identifies Gaps and Repetition Promotes Accountability Aligns Curriculum with Standards Meets the Need to Share Highlights Best Practices Encourages Collaboration Facilitates New Course Design Orientation of New Faculty Capture Data One Time at the Source Source: Atlas Curriculum Mapping
Research-Based Applying the “spiral curriculum” responsive to human development –readiness –structured organization –facilitate extrapolation Bruner, Toward a Theory of Instruction, 1966
Intended results Staff owns and explores their district’s curriculum, making informed decisions on what to teach and how to assess. Students who move from district to district would encounter similar methodology and assessment protocols. Teachers receive aligned professional development to meet personal, building, and district goals.
Intended results Communication improves through sharing of instructional and assessment strategies. Revenue for purchases are used more efficiently to meet the learning needs of all students. Assessment of student achievement will be documented more thoroughly to provide a fuller picture than MEAP results alone.
Design Use of standards for authentic academic achievement –Units of Instruction –Assessment Tasks –Instructional Strategies Newmann, Secada, and Wehlage, “A Guide to Authentic Instruction and Assessment”, 1995
Powerful and Authentic Social Studies PASS
Criteria and Standards for Powerful and Authentic Teaching PASS Manual, 2000
Learning Engaging participants in a continuum of engagement Joyce and Showers, “Student achievement through staff development”, 1995 Coaching Practice Demonstration Theory Increased application in classrooms
PASS developed at the same time as the Michigan Curriculum Framework intended to build capacity of the “curriculum triangle” in teachers training materials produced by the National Council for the Social Studies
Results from PASS supported curriculum alignment with the Michigan Curriculum Framework implemented a common definition of intellectual quality across subjects, grades, and buildings applied and extended curriculum maps
Results from PASS measured quality through consistent quantitative rubrics for unit design, assessment tasks, and instructional strategies sustained a professional development model that integrated the development of curriculum, instruction, and assessment development of a community of learners among colleagues through shared experiences
Content Characteristics
Quality Teaching Constructing meaning through an inquiry approach –teachers as learners –sustained over time –employs inquiry methods to build understandings Sparks and Hirsch, “A new vision for staff development: Results- driven education, systems thinking, and constructivism”, 1997
Year One ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School Elementary Curriculum Cabinet Atlas Curriculum Mapping All teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping All Teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping
Year Two ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School K-2 Teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping Math content area All teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping Review of building maps Core Content area meetings Design of grade levels outcomes All Teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping Key Concepts, Essential Questions, and Assessment Tasks refined
Year Three ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School K-4 teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping Review math maps Map social studies Build collaborative maps for grade level All teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping Collaborative Analysis of Student Work (CASL) Designing common units and assessment tasks in core subjects All Teachers Atlas Curriculum Mapping Core content area meetings Standards of Assessment Course alignment
Credits Mark Ravlin, Director Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Adrian Public Schools Stan Masters, Coordinator Curriculum, Assessment, and School Improvement Lenawee ISD September, 2002 John L. Moore Rubicon International