11 1 Environmental Programmes Branch 1
PRESENTATION OVERVIEW Branch Structure 2012/13 Annual Performance Plan 2011/12 achievements 2012/13 priorities Budget Challenges and opportunities 22
3/9/12 Environmental Programmes Advisory Committee Director-General: Environmental Affairs Deputy Director-General: Environmental Programmes Director: Northern Cape Chief Director: Inland Operations Director: Contract and Payment Administration Chief Director: Strategic Management and EPWP Co-ordination Director: Branch Co-ordination and Administration DD: Administration DD: Branding and Publications Director: Information Management Systems Chief Director: Research, Planning and Compliance Monitoring Director: National Partnerships Chief Director: Coastal and National Operations Director: Skills Development Director: Monitoring and Evaluation Director: EPWP: Environment & Culture Sector Co-ordination and Reporting Director: Western Cape Director: Eastern Cape Director: KwaZulu-Natal Director: Mpumalanga Director: Free State Director: North-West Director: Gauteng Director: Limpopo Director: Research & Policy Development Director: Planning: WfW & NRM Director: Compliance Monitoring and Quality Assurance Director: Planning & QA: EPI
3/9/12 Working for Water: Invasive Alien Plant Control High Altitude IAP Control Early Detection: Emerging Species Rapid Response: Emerging Species Invasive Animals & Microbes Invasive Alien Species Bar-coding Waterweeds (Aquatic invasives) Biological Control of Invasives Natural Resource Management: Working for Land [Combating Desertification] [Payment for Ecosystem Services] Working for Forests Working for Energy (Biomass) Eco-Furniture Factories Working on Fire Working for Wetlands Sustainable Land-based Livelihoods Environmental Protection and Infrastructure: Working on Waste People and Parks / Wildlife Economy Open Space Management National Youth Service Buyisa-e-Bag Working for the Coast Infrastructure (SANParks, SANBI, etc) [Green Villages] Programmatic themes in Branch
66 Strategic Objective: Improved socio-economic benefits within the environmental sector Objective statement : Contribute to sustainable development, livelihoods, green and inclusive economic growth through facilitating skills development, employment creation and infrastructure development Performance indicatorTarget 2011/12Progress 2011/12 Target 2012/13 Number of Full Time Equivalents (FTE) created 29,86114,62331, 277 Number of Work Opportunities created 60,40145,888 62,860 Percentage of Work Opportunities created for Women 55%54%55% Percentage of Work Opportunities created for Youth 40%56%40% Percentage of Work Opportunities created for People with Disabilities 2%1%2% Number of youth benefiting from the NYS No. of community parks created and/or rehabilitated 19 25
77 Strategic Objective: Ecosystem services restored and maintained Objective statement: Restoration and maintenance of vegetation structure and function in order to contribute to ecosystem services Performance indicatorTarget 2011/12Progress 2011/12 Target 2012/13 No. of wetlands under rehabilitation No. of indigenous trees planted20,00040,46820,000 Number of hectares of invasive alien plants treated 717,300590,726753,747 Area (ha) of land restored and rehabilitated 990 1,710 Area (ha) of invasive forest stands converted and rehabilitated 2,400 17,800 Km of coastline cleaned2,700 Number of fire suppression, fire protection and prescribed burning hectares 520,000984,1401,359,352
88 Strategic Objective: Less waste that is better managed Objective statement: Increase recycling and recovery rates by 2015 Performance indicatorTarget 2011/12Progress 2011/12 Target 2012/13 Number of households benefiting from waste collection initiatives 32,00032,40235,000 Number of buy-back centres established 4413 Strategic Objective: Improved sector education and awareness Objective statement: Facilitate environmental education and render and effective and efficient strategic communication services, which includes training, awareness raising Performance indicatorTarget 2011/12Progress 2011/12 Target 2012/13 Number of accredited training person days created 32,000 26, ,540 Number of environmental centres established 103
Provincial project breakdown ProvinceWfWWoFSRPP Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng 2079 Kwa-Zulu Natal Limpopo Mpumalanga Northern Cape North West Western Cape Total
Summary full-time employment created until the end of Dec A total of people receiving an average of 95 days of work each until the end of Dec
BUDGET 2012/ R, /13 BRANCH: Env Prog Branch Baseline:1,964,940 Env Prog Branch Wage Incentive:302,381 Environmental Programmes Total:2,316,232 SRPP 736,238 Working for Water R 1,196,456 Working on Fire 383,538
Challenges Inadequate funding for more continuous employment Lack of support from some local stakeholders eg. municipalities Coordination challenges with some municipalities Lack of capacity – 22% vacancy rate in branch Procurement challenges related to NRM transfer to DEA The current definition of EPWP might be excluding other people paid out of the EPWP allocation Inadequate funding for the sector threatens the achievement of targets 1212
Use of incentives, disincentives, advocacy and research for all Branch initiatives. More work is required to understand the returns on investment of different interventions. Planning and prioritization of work, and an appropriate balance between programmes. Institutional arrangements and structures for efficient and effective management. Norms, standards, systems and procedures to facilitate optimal delivery. Data management and reporting. Discipline, risk management and accountability. Optimising the work opportunities, and meeting the targets by gender, age and disability. Definitions for who qualifies as EPWP beneficiaries (Govt not getting credit it deserves). Support from some local stakeholders (e.g. municipalities). Procurement challenges relating to NRM transfer to DEA. Management capacity. Funding for more continuous employment, as well as to achieve sector targets. Appropriate legislation and its enforcement. An understanding and appreciation of the need for the interventions by the public. Championing of the work of the programmes by our leaders. Co-operative governance. These programmes cut across the mandates of many bodies. Opportunities for the Environmental Programmes